Debbie Edwards & Adam Chilcott December 2014 The Patient Journey – Debbie Edwards & Adam Chilcott December 2014
Where do I go?
We asked the hospital, if we could make a film together . We wanted to show people where to go and what happens in the hospital.
I was filmed having a CT scan
This is the machine I lay on
I was also filmed in X-ray, having a picture taken of my arm. This is Ellie she explained what was going to happen to me.
I was then filmed in the hospital where you have your blood taken.
I was then filmed being admitted to a ward. This is Emma who took me there.
This is Wendy and Claire. They were filmed in the Emergency Department.
And Now we Present . . . Adam …… Thank you.
Get it right for a person with a Learning Disability and you will get it right for everyone.