Jean-François Lebrun et Manuel Hubert


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Presentation transcript:

Jean-François Lebrun et Manuel Hubert Anticipation for a better management of change Brussels, 2 December 2009 Jean-François Lebrun et Manuel Hubert DG Employment, social affairs and equal opportunities

Strategies – Main tools Develop and stimulate anticipative actions Anticipation Anticipation Training, Economic development, (ERDF, ESF,…) Preparation Preparation Management of change Good practices, toolkits (EGF) New needs Comprehensive sectoral analysis of emerging competences and economic activities 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3

Project objectives Develop culture of anticipation Make a case for human resources key to competitiveness Involve all relevant stakeholders Meet the goals of the new skills for new jobs initiative Foresight Forecast 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3

Sectoral studies methodology Possible future evolutions and strategies Step 3: Scenarios employment evolution until 2020 Step 2: Drivers of change Step 7: Education & training implications Step 8: Recommendations Step 1: Sector Mapping Step 4: Implications for employment and occupations Step 5: Emerging competences Step 6: Strategic choices Past and present situation Focus on skills and competences 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3

Sectoral studies methodology Possible future evolutions and strategies TNO + SEOR +ZSI Oxford Research Alphametrics Economix IKEI BIPE Alpha Group + Danish Technogical Institute (construction – DG ENTR) Step 3: Scenarios employment evolution until 2020 Step 2: Drivers of change Step 7: Education & training implications Step 8: Recommendations Step 1: Sector Mapping Step 4: Implications for employment and occupations Step 5: Emerging competences Step 6: Strategic choices Past and present situation Focus on skills and competences 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3

Timing Jun 06 Restructuring Forum « sectoral policies » Feb 07 Merger of Job relocation study (EP) with foresight sectoral studies (Progress) Mar 07 Methodology Oct 07 Pilot study « automotive sector » Jan 08 Kick-off meeting Oct 08 First expert workshop Mar 09 Last expert workshop Jun 09 Publication of the results on-line Dec 09 Restructuring Forum « Sectors’ New skills for new jobs » 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3

Partners European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee (CCMI) Committee of Regions European sectoral social partners Eurofound (EMCC) Cedefop Commission services (EMPL, EAC, ENTR,…) + Employers, Experts, Academics, Sector Skill Councils,… 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3

Main output and follow-up Role of stakeholders to use these results and make them more operational! Specific recommendations for 18 sectors Publication of results in June 2009 WE NEED TO MANAGE SOCIAL COSTS Restructuring Forum on 7&8 December 2009 - Analysis of transferable competences across sectors - Sector councils on employment and skills at EU level EU follow-up 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3 8

Other activities Realised Guide for training in SMEs Restructuring in Europe report Checklist on restructuring processes Sectoral studies Several Restructuring Forums Current Toolkit on restructuring National restructuring seminars in 27 countries(6/10) Future Sector skill councils New Restructuring Forums 02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3 9

Thank you very much for your attention! Contact:  02-December-09 Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – Unit F3