Speaking with Confidence Chapter 1 Speaking with Confidence
Next Week’s Assignments: The Personal Narrative Speech (presented in first half of class) 2-3 minute speech about some aspect of your self (hobbies, funny story, greatest adventure, etc.) Handout has other guidelines
Scoring the PRCA-24 Each sub-score will be between 6-30. Anything over 18 = moderate apprehension. Overall score will be between 24-120. Above 84 = high apprehension. 55-83 = moderate apprehension. 54 or below = low apprehension.
Surviving Communication Apprehension “Objectify” - understand communication apprehension. Your body is “helping” you. You don’t want to eliminate CA completely. Get experience. Prepare. Know your environment & audience. Practice, practice, practice. Visualize success.
The Relationship Between Apprehension & Performance (Brydon & Scott, 2008)
Surviving Communication Apprehension Use bodily action during the speech. Concentrate on your message. Remember that the audience wants you to succeed. Act confident, even if you don’t feel that way (“acting as if”) Changing your thinking (“cognitive restructuring”).
Negative Thinking Self-criticizing Self pressuring Catastrophizing “ I’m a terrible speaker” Self pressuring “ I can’t afford anything less than an A” Catastrophizing “ This is the worst experience I’ll ever have”
Positive Thinking “I’m prepared for this speech” “Do it just like you rehearsed it” “It’s just like I practiced” “This is better than I anticipated” “I’m actually liking this” “Not bad . . .not bad at all”
Other Suggestions for Coping with CA?