Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives in Small Improvements Small Improvements helps with all parts in the goal-setting process, both from the individual and manager perspective.
Turnkey Solution Hit the ground running with a plan for success. In Small Improvements, a powerful objective screen organizes all important information in one place. Outline your desired outcome, measure key results, and update your status to communicate progress.
Discuss and Collaborate on Objectives Objectives are usually visible to managers, but visibility can easily be expanded for collaboration with other colleagues. Notify mentors and peers you’d like input, kickstart a dialogue, and adjust the goal in real time. Updates are sent to you via mail or posted in Slack
Explore and Manage Your Team’s Objectives Want to support a colleague? Just use the browser to quickly find someone’s current goal. Objectives can be filtered by individual, team, or for the entire company. You can then sort objectives chronologically or by person.
Always up to Date Objectives Stream Use the home screen activity stream to stay up to speed with goals your team is creating and updating. The stream also provides alerts about your manager’s objectives, and lets managers see the status and key results progress from their reports.
Completely Customizable Your feedback process should be as distinctive as your company culture. Admins can provide guidance and structure to their team’s goal-setting process. Do you want a status field or a completion percentage? Should objectives be public by default or private? Should staff assign priority through weighting? You can configure the settings in Small Improvements to work for you.
Align and Analyze Objectives Across the Company Easily view your company directives as part of your Objectives workflow. Want to tackle customer churn in Q3? Promote time management and efficiency in Q4? Just configure the Objective cycle accordingly, making for smooth analysis and reporting.
Slack Integration Get real-time updates with our Slack integration. Once configured, all staff receive immediate updates whenever their manager or direct report updates their objective. Publicly created objectives will also be served in a Small Improvements channel, so everyone can subscribe to real-time updates about objectives created within the company.
Check out more info online: We have more information on how to use our objective feature along with other ways to utilize it including lightweight key results and alignment. Refer to our Video Tutorials and Documentation for more information on this as well as our to learn more about our other features.