Developing School Improvement Plans #101 Requirements – Resources – Successful Plans June 2010
Presentation Overview Federal and State Requirements State Board of Education Resources School Improvement Plan Content Tips for Creating Successful Plans
Federal and State Requirements Districts and schools which are in academic status based on the State assessments are required by law to have a current improvement plan on file at the Interactive Illinois Report Card (IIRC) site that meets the federal guidelines.
Federal Guidance: LEA & School Improvement Federal & State Law Federal Law: Public Law 107-110, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Section 1101, Section 2-3.25d of the School Code, 105 ILCS 5/2-3.25d Federal Guidance: LEA & School Improvement State Law: Section 1.85 School and District Improvement Plans; Restructuring Plans of the Illinois Administrative Code.
Types of District Improvement Plans Academic Status Title III (English as a Second Language) grant Special Education compliance Response to Intervention (RtI) State plan Single School District Improvement Plan: Addresses requirements for both district and school
Types of School Improvement Plans Has not made AYP for two or more years Restructuring Plan: Created by district for school that has not made adequate yearly progress for a fifth calculation NOTE: Single School District Improvement Plan: Addresses requirements for both district and school
Resources – Improvement Plans Illinois State Board of Education Main Page: Overview of Improvement Plans: Frequently Asked Questions:
Interactive Illinois Report Card (IIRC) State - District - Schools Data (public access) Improvement Plans Guides E-Plan Templates (password protected) Monitoring Prompts (ISBE responses) Administrators – Student Data (restricted)
IIRC – Login to e-Plans Page Slide 17 Also, this is another tip to prevent heartburn. The first time you enter this information, type the user name in the username field (see the SIPL111 in the example), enter a space, then type the password, highlight it, and drag it into the password textbox. This way you can see what you’re typing. (What you type in the password field is encrypted. If you make a mistake, you won’t know it. Dragging the password down or copying it from Gail’s email to you, will prevent this from happening.) If you mistype the username or password, you may need to back completely out of your browser to go in again and retype the username and passwords.
Focus: School Improvement Plan (SIP) SIP includes Four Components I: Data and Analysis III. Plan Development, Review, and Implementation II. Action Plan IV. Board Action
What Makes a Successful Plan? Connections and relationships are clear. Data and Analysis Strategies & Activities Monitoring Process Roles, responsibilities, and expectations are defined. (administrators, teachers, students, parents, others) Focus is on changing instructional practice in the classrooms and improving student achievement.
Section I: Data and Analysis I.A: Record Card Data IIRC includes data comparisons 2002 to 2010. AYP information Assessment data – reading & mathematics School information Educator data
AYP Calculations & Trends To make AYP, a district or school must meet ALL of the following three requirements: Participation Rate on State Assessment Performance (Reading and Mathematics) Attendance/Graduation Rate
Section I: Data and Analysis Identify: Areas of weakness and strengths Contributing external and internal factors Conclusions: What do these factors imply for the next steps in school improvement planning? What can be addressed by the school?
Section I Continued I.B: Local Assessment Data (optional) Local assessment data and analysis that are directly related to the identified strategies and activities and relate to the AYP results can be critical to the success of the plan. I-C: Other Data (optional) Other data help to define the current situation that exists in the school and/or community and are relevant to the school not making AYP.
Section I Continued I.C: Item 1 – Attributes & Challenges Description and analysis of the school and community attributes and challenges that have affected student performance. I-C: Item 2 – Education Qualifications, Staff Capacity, and Professional Development. Description and analysis of each of the listed components.
Section I Continued I.C: Item 3 – Parent Involvement Description and analysis of the parental involvement – knowing that parents are to be actively engaged in the educational process. I-D: Key Factors (CRITICAL) Prioritize the factors identified in I-A, I-B, and I-C that staff can change or influence. Use these to develop the Action Plan, including strategies and activities for students, educators, and parents.
Section II – Action Plan Objectives must - Identify the current achievement level Be measurable outcomes in terms of the AYP achieved for EACH year of the plan. (Plan must span two years.) Focus on fundamental teaching and learning issues Ensure that each subgroup meets the State’s target
Objective: While the current achievement in math for students with disabilities subgroup is 46.5% meeting/exceeding for ISAT, this subgroup will make AYP of at least 77.5% in 2010 and 85% for 2011 or Safe Harbor. Strategies: 1 double block math instruction 2 coaching for math staff 3 student and staff review of student work 4 improve test taking skills 5 progress monitoring to drive instruction Slide 28 Here’s an example of a math objective and strategies that a school might outline related to that objective. The pages that would follow this example would identify the expectations for how these strategies would be accomplished which leads to the last tip.
Section II – Action Plan II: Strategies and Activities II-B: Students II-C: Professional Development II-D: Parent Involvement II-E: Monitoring (for each objective)
Clarity is KEY The plan users must know what is expected of them to implement the plan with fidelity and monitor progress.
Defining Strategies & Activities Are the strategies and activities necessary for the students, educators, and parents? Do they incorporate on-going successful strategies and activities? Will these effectively change instructional practice and improve student achievement? Can these be monitored (observed and measured)?
Section III: Plan Development, Review, and Implementation Descriptions of each: Part A: Parent Notification Part B: Stakeholder Involvement Part C: Peer Review Process Part D: Teacher Mentoring Process Part E: District Responsibilities As Applicable: - Corrective Actions - Restructuring Options Part F: State Responsibilities Part G: School Support Team
Section IV: Board Action The plan must be approved by the Local Board of Education and submitted electronically to the IIRC.
ISBE Monitoring Academic Status: Use ISBE SIP Monitoring form at to determine compliance [C] with the law.
Improvement Planning - Ongoing Ongoing efforts to improve Coordinated efforts – development, monitoring, refinement Primary Focus: IMPROVE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT for ALL STUDENTS
Technical Assistance ISBE website: District and School Improvement Plans Center on Innovation & Improvement (multiple resources on improvement planning)
ISBE Contacts Innovation & Improvement Division 217-524-5832 Carol Diedrichsen, Principal Consultant Martha (Marti) Woelfle, Principal Consultant