“Why might this be the ‘Worst Hard Time’ in U.S. History?” ** Synthesizing information, considering what you think most relevant … Information from stations & handouts The Grapes of Wrath handout What has been learned about the Great Depression thus far? What was life like during the Great Depression?
Rural America - Living During the Great Depression Tenant farmers … Percentage of tenant farmers … Farms lost through foreclosure … California migration …
Family Life in the Great Depression Fertility Rates (per 100,000 women aged 15-44) - 1928: 93.8 - 1929: 89.3 - 1930: 89.2 - 1931: 84.6 - 1932: 81.7 - 1933: 76.3 - 1934: 78.5 - 1935: 77.2 - 1936: 75.8 - 1937: 77.1 - 1938: 79.1 - 1939: 77.6 - 1940: 79.9 - 1941: 83.4 - 1942: 91.5 - 1943: 94.3
Family Life in the Great Depression Average divorce rate, (per 1,000 people) - 1920-1929: 1.6 - 1930-33: 1.4 - 1934-39: 1.8 - 1940-46: 2.8 - 1947-64: 2.5
Living During the Great Depression Effects upon families … (men, women, children) School closures … Rail car accidents …
Woody Guthrie ** Use the handouts – CCC Camps, Dust Pneumonia, and the Dust Bowl – to answer the questions … (1) Have you been to any of these location of CCC Camps in the Black Hills? And, what did the CCC try to accomplish again? (2) Describe the Dust Bowl Storms and their effects. What was one reason why these storms were so scary? (3) What was the severity of these storms? What helped farmers recover? (4) What were the causes and symptoms of dust pneumonia?
Stations Questions to Consider: [1] How might this content help me answer, “Why this might be the ‘Worst Hard Time’ in U.S. History?” [2] Pay attention to the photographs: what details do you see? What do these photos tell about life during the era? [3] What questions do I have, and what would I like to learn more about from this era?
“Why might this be the ‘Worst Hard Time’ in U.S. History?” ** Synthesizing information, considering what you think most relevant … Information from stations & handouts The Grapes of Wrath handout What has been learned about the Great Depression thus far? What was life like during the Great Depression?
Station One “Migrant Mother”
Station Two “Lunch atop a Skyscraper”
Station Three “Dust Bowl Images”
Station Four “Letters to the President”
Relevant National Statistics Use the handouts on desks to reflect upon these statistics mentioned. Suicide … Mental breakdowns … Alcoholism … Unemployment … Gross Domestic Product … Young people moving away … Migration to California … Farm foreclosures …