Session 8: Global implications of kinetic-scale particle acceleration throughout the heliosphere Conveners: J. Dahlin, L. Wilson, B. Chen, J. Giacalone, K. Klein Science Questions What role does kinetic physics play in particle acceleration processes? F. Guo, H. Arnold agree: kinetic-scale dissipation not important in reconnection acceleration S. Du: Simulations of energization during island merger (reconnection), demonstrated energy gain term associated with agyrotropy E. Lichko: Magnetic pumping model generates proton v^-3 spectrum in less than an earth-to-sun transit time E. Lichko S. Du
Session 8: Global implications of kinetic-scale particle acceleration throughout the heliosphere Conveners: J. Dahlin, L. Wilson, B. Chen, J. Giacalone, K. Klein In what ways are turbulence, reconnection, and shock physics intertwined in the context of particle acceleration? S. Du: Observations of particle acceleration associated with flux ropes downstream of a weak shock observed by 5 AU & models (L. Zhao+ submitted) What observational signatures can be used to distinguish and constrain kinetic acceleration mechanisms? L. Wilson: Many injection/acceleration mechanisms at shocks, showed catalogue of distinct signatures associated with each A. Johlander: Survey of MMS bow shock crossings in burst mode: efficient ion energization for quasi-parallel, no correlation with mach number L. Zhao A. Johlander
Session 8: Global implications of kinetic-scale particle acceleration throughout the heliosphere Conveners: J. Dahlin, L. Wilson, B. Chen, J. Giacalone, K. Klein What additional observations and models are needed to make progress on the problem of particle acceleration? Kinetic simulations give insight on what physics is necessary to capture reconnection particle acceleration H. Arnold: new “hybrid” MHD model + guiding-center particles includes feedback from anisotropy F. Guo: MHD equation + Parker equation solution, acceleration via compression How strong is the turbulence? B. Chen: Type III bursts in VLA reveal large density variation in a small region – compression? B. Chen: radio emission from density perturbations at shock – turbulence? Can we observe/determine turbulence properties in reconnecting current sheet flares (e.g. scattering, energy content)? F. Guo B. Chen