Oral side effects of neurological disorders and therapies DM, 6.12.2018
Neurological disorders and affections of the orodental tissues Antiepileptic drugs Epilepsy - a chronic disorder with unpredictably recurring seizure Epil.seizure - risk of oro-facial trauma Antiepileptic drugs (AED) - side effects in the oral cavity (Valproate acid) - Gingival over growth
Neurological disorders and affections of the orodental tissues Head injuries: oro-facial injuries lip and cheek biting- most common soft tissue injury tooth fracture - most common hard tissue dental injury
Neurological disorders and affections of the orodental tissues Neurocutaneous (phakomatosis) diseases: Sturge- Weber syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis of von Recklinghausen and incontinentia pigmenti. Tumors: Tumors of orofacial nerves and their sheaths (neurofibroma, neurolemmoma, malignant schwannoma) Cranial nerve tumors with orofacial affections (trigeminal neurinoma, acoustic neurinoma, and olfactory neuroblastoma) Systemic tumors with significant neural and orofacial symptoms (multiple endocrine neoplasia) Parkinson's disease: presence of tremor - alleviates against effective oral hygiene and plaque control measures Weakened swallowing capability can augment the risk of aspiration levodopa - may begin to develop dyskinesias (chorea, dystonia), which can affect the jaw (orobuccal dyskinesias) as well as teeth grinding dry mouth or xerostomia, masticatory difficulties