Differentiating teaching in response to diverse student learning needs MHPS TPL Wednesday 21.2.18 Ask 5 observers to recount what they observed during Mandarin lesson. Participants recount their experiences. Debrief and discuss, what would have helped you access the lesson? …..What are the implications for teaching and learning? Unpacking the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions
What is literacy? Literacy involves students listening to, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating oral, print, visual and digital texts, and using and modifying language for different purposes in a range of contexts. It is Objective A (English) Why is it important? Literacy is needed for success in school, the workplace and life. Success in any learning area depends on being able to use the significant, identifiable and distinctive literacy that is important for learning and representative of the content of that learning area (ACARA 2016). Using pp 56-57 of Geography syllabus (Stage 2 content), ask participants to look at the outcomes
What is numeracy? Numeracy involves students recognising and understanding the role of mathematics in the world and having the dispositions and capacities to use mathematical knowledge and skills purposefully. All addresses all strands in Maths syllabus Why is it important? Numeracy is needed for success in school, the workplace and life.
Background knowledge Some students don’t get it because they don’t have the prerequisite knowledge Ask 5 observers to recount what they observed during Mandarin lesson. Participants recount their experiences. Debrief and discuss, what would have helped you access the lesson? …..What are the implications for teaching and learning?
Looking at the new literacy progression... In pairs, navigate through the literacy progression online and discuss the following: How is it organised? How does it compare to the previous NSW Literacy Continuum? What do you think about it? How would you use it? https://goo.gl/e27Ej v
What is the purpose of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions? Successful teaching and learning to address student needs in relation to literacy and numeracy requires the teacher to have an understanding of where the student is now and where the student needs to go next in their literacy and numeracy development.
What is the purpose of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions? A diagnostic tool students, parents and teachers can use to better understand where students are now where to next how they are progressing in their ongoing literacy and numeracy learning. 學習進度是學生,家長和教師可以用來更好地理解的診斷工具 現在是學生 下一步在哪裡 他們如何進步 在他們正在進行的掃盲和 計算學習。 ?
What is the purpose of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions? The progressions are a powerful TOOL for differentiating teaching in response to diverse student learning needs. The progressions support: teachers to use student assessment data to direct teaching so that every student is moving forward to achieving personal success teachers to work collaboratively to build a shared professional understanding of progress and development.
******* = literacy or numeracy START HERE What DISCIPLINARY AREA is the focus for learning? What content do you want students to learn? Identify the ******* students will need to access/learn the content. Identify the sub-elements that students will need to be explicitly taught. 4. Identify the support and scaffolds the student will need to access the content, for example Worked example Terminology, Vocabulary Rubric Visual prompts 3. Use the relevant learning progression to locate where the student is now and the sub-elements needed to access the content and/or related tasks. 5. Use the relevant learning progression as the basis for feedback to the student and from the student to inform the next steps in learning. Differentiating the learning so that every student is moving forward How do we use the Learning Progressions?
A task to take away…. Access the literacy progression through this link: https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/resources/national-literacy-and-numeracy-learning-progressions/national-literacy-learning-progression/ Choose an element from the literacy progression. Using your current and very new understanding of the literacy progression and elements within it, choose 3 students from your class (lower, core and extension) and have a go at identifying where they currently are within this element. Record this information in the following google doc relevant to your stage: ES1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 This data will lead our discussions during collaborative time in week 5.