PROJETO INDICADORES AMC - RECURSOS HÍDRICOS BACKGROUND Program comprised of 7 projects concerning climate change adaptation. One of these Projects concerns “ Establishing Criteria and Indexes of Adaptation in the field of Water Resources Management,” approved in 2016 as one of the key Projects within this Working Group. The Project in now under development in Rio Grande do Sul´s Secretariat with the support from the Academia and the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA). Set common goals for adaptation Promote multi-institutional cooperation Working on a Final Initiative Report PROJETO INDICADORES AMC - RECURSOS HÍDRICOS
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES OBJECTIVES Propose a replicable list of adaptation indicators regarding water resources Propose a metric system to measure adaptation Set common goals for adaptation Promote multi-institutional cooperation PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Scope Create an evaluation system of indicators to measure and monitor adaptation at a regional government scale. PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Summary Six dimensions: Policy, Infrastructure, Technical Training, Financial Resources, Impacts and Institutional Arrangement. Clipped by either territory units or watershed. Educational aspect: to incite the development of a culture of climate change adaptation. “Metrics” column: to assess the reality against the adaptation measures being adopted. PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION PROJECT - WATER RESOURCES Summary of feedbacks received The indicators list should reflect adaptation actions. Impacts are crucial, the indicators should be better developed. Include mapping of vulnerable areas. Eliminate duplicity of indicators. Evaluate: will the policies reflect effective actions? Think about a smaller but more effective list Some of the indicators are not replicable INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION PROJECT - WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Policy 1.1 Existence of a sub-national or national Disaster Risk Management policy (DRM) 1.2 Existence of a subnational or national policy on Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC) 1.3 Existence of a sub-national or national Water Soil Retention Policy (WSR) 1.4 Existence of a subnational or national policy on Payment for Environmental Services (PES) 1.5 Existence of a subnational or national Water Security Policy (WSP) 1.6 Existence of a subnational or national policy of Increasing Efficiency in Water Supply Services (IEWSS) 1.7 Existence of a subnational or national policy for the Universalization of Water Supply and Sewage Collection and Treatment (UWSSCT) PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Infraestructure 2.1. Existence of a national or subnational climate monitoring center 2.2. Network of operational climatological installations in the last two years according to the standards and density recommended by WMO (Wolrd Meteorological Organization) 2.3. Existence of daily data collection on maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity and rainfall 2.4. Existence of a national or subnational service to analyze the meteorological data 2.5. Existence of a warning center or alert for extreme events 2.6. Existence of communications network on extreme events and climate change PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Technical Training 3.3.Existence of technical standards or manual for preparedness, response, mitigation and positive reconstruction actions PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Financial Resources 4.1.National or subnational specific budget for monitoring and climate change adaptation. 4.2.Extra budgetary sources for monitoring and climate change adaptation PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Institutional Framework, 6.1.Existence of a national or subnational institutional framework formalized through decrees or laws to monitor and implement actions to adapt to climate change 6.2.Existence of bulletins or reports on the performance of the different actors of the institutional arrangement PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Agriculture 7.1 soil water maintenance and reduction of sediment water contamination 7.2 rural extension actions for thecovered soil maintenance o 7.3 rural extension actions to control erosion 7.4. environmental education actions and / or rural extension for recovery and / or maintenance of native vegetation in critical areas 7.5 reduction of water courses and reservoirs sedimentation 7.6Recovery / implantation of vegetation for protection in the surroundings of reservoirs 7.7 Recovery / implantation of riparian vegetation along watercourse banks (CH) 7.8 Recovery / maintenance of vegetation cover in critical areas PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Impacts 8.1 Existence of zoning of areas most vulnerable to drought / drought 8.2. Existence of zoning of areas most vulnerable to floods 8.3. Existence of restrictions on the occupation of areas most vulnerable to flooding in the Plans Local directors (municipal / state) 8.4. Existence of restrictions on the occupation of areas most vulnerable to flooding in the Plans Local directors (municipal / state) PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES
PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES Prospects for next phase: Better consolidate the list Increase scientific foundation “Metrics” column: to assess the reality against the adaptation measures being adopted. Initial filling of the matrix by RegionsAdapt Members PROJECT INDICATORS AND INDEXES OF ADAPTATION- WATER RESOURCES