Language Arts 8 Q1W6 October 5-9, 2015 Mrs. Nabulsi Book report due October 5. Use PowerPoint template and be ready to present. Voc. Test 2 Friday, October 2 Study for test on Rough draft of Patriot Pen due Oct. 2
Department of Defense MISSION STATEMENT VISION STATEMENT Educate, engage and empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world. To be among the World’s leaders in education, enriching the lives of military- connected students and the communities in which they live.
Humphreys Middle/High School Mission Statement Vision Statement Educate , engage, and empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world Helping students to be life-long learners equipped with skills for success in a changing world.
AdvancEd Goals Reading Writing To help students read for understanding and build their comprehension skills. to help students to summarize by creating strong topic sentences, clear detail sentences and a supporting conclusion.
monday, October 5, 2015 CNN Journal – Read and examine the vocabulary in the Second Amendment. In your own words, tell what you think the amendment says and if the wording makes any restrictions or is it open ended? Present Book Reports Take Cornell Notes on each report and hand in at the completion of the reports. Patriot Pen – Hand in the typed rough draft via Google Aps by Friday. Please place your name first on the file name.
Patriot pen 1. Official Rules for Patriot Pen
Writing an introduction and conclusion Take Cornell Notes in your journal on the following: Introductions and conclusions
wednesday, October 7, 2015 CNN Test over Lesson 3 and prefix DE- Journal – What is imperialism? From what you have read about the Middle East, how has imperialism played a part in the problems in the Middle East? Book Report Presentations
Vocabulary Test 3 – Lesson 3 and prefix -de Lesson 3 –Hot Words from SAT Prefix -de 1. antagonism 2. antithesis 3. apocryphal 4. arduous 5. articulate 6. assuage 7. atrophy 8. augment 9. authoritarian 10.austere 1. de - 2. defoliate 3. defalcate 4. debauch 5. defeasible 6. decamp 7. debark 8. declivity 9. debacle