Get with 2 other men: “What have you found to be the most effective ways to teach or to learn new things…..”
4 Words to express learning from Hebrew perspective vs 4 Words to express learning from Hebrew perspective vs. Greek linear learning: Bin: To distinguish, separate, take apart, think critically-solve problems, helping a student evaluate arguments and sort out questions….KEY is learning to ASK the right questions vs. just give right answer (Lk 10:26, 36) Shanan: To sharpen, prick or pierce, or impress….truth of scriptures to be imprinted upon the life of the learner (Lk 10:26-28, Mk 9:33-37) Yarah: (torah (law) derived from this word): To cast, throw or shoot arrows…meaning a teacher has something to “shoot” guiding it towards a goal or target with precision. Giving guidance or direction in life (Ps 32:8, Mt 5-7) Lamad: To get accustomed to, exercise in or train. Learning takes discipline….the “l” is shaped like a “goad” used to prod ox-goats being trained. The term “talmid” (scholar-teacher of the law) and his pupils were “talmidim” all from this word. The pupil goes under rigorous training at the feet of the Rabbi.
TABLE TALK (Groups of 3): Can you think of a significant lesson someone taught you in life? What was it and how did they teach it to you?
Announcements: Pickup Training Opportunity $10 if you have it (for the entire session)
Memory Verse: Mt 4:19 “Come, follow me, Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people”. 2 Tim 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”