DISCOVER LIFE “What Is Your Life” James 4:13-17 Matthew 6:24-33 2 Corinthians 4:13-18
Discover Life…everlasting John 10:10 PLANNING LIFE WITHOUT GOD: (James 4:13-17) What is Life? Life is Responding: Life is about Today: Life is limited: Life is about the Will: Life is to Guard:
Discover Life…everlasting John 10:10 THE PROBLEM OF WORRY: (Matthew 6:25-33) Work becomes your life: “why worry about food, drink and your body needs” (vs.25) Worry steals your value: “Are you not of more value than birds” (vs.26) Worry distracts your life purpose: “span of life” (vs.27) Worry about clothing misses the real glory of things: (vs.28,29)
Discover Life…everlasting John 10:10 THE PERSPECTIVE OF LIFE: 2 Corinthians 4:14-18 The Power to Rise Above: (vs.14) The Provision of Grace: (vs.15) THE POINT OF LIFE, “the inner self” (vs.16) The Place where life counts The Perspective on Life: (vs.17,18)