Indefinite Pronouns (continuation) Week 2 – Trim. II
Indefinite Pronouns. Use Indefinite Pronouns to talk about unnamed people, things or places. They are unnamed because we don’t know who or what they are.
Indefinite Pronouns. Use no - when talking about negative things. Use no - in affirmative sentences. People no one/ nobody Things nothing Places nowhere Nobody lives there. There was nothing left there. There’s nowhere to go. Use every - when you mean “all”. Use every – in affirmative sentences and questions. People everyone/everybody Things everything Places everywhere Has everyone left? Everything is broken and old. Everywhere is closed.
EXIT CARD: Write two (2) affirmative sentences talking about negative things, and two (2) questions with “every”. Use the Indefinite Pronouns we learned today. 1.-__________________________________________________________________________________(!) 2.-__________________________________________________________________________________(!) 3.-__________________________________________________________________________________(-) 4.-__________________________________________________________________________________(?)