Network Day Edinburgh Monday 23.2.15 #scotplnet
A gift... What good idea from your practice/team/establishment might you gift to others today?
Network Day 23.2.15 Trauma Triumph What are your three T’s? Trivia #scotplnet
Network Day 23.2.15 Programme 10.30 Coffee/tea and Danish pastries 11.00 Welcome Gillian Hunt 11.15 Scottish Government Update David Roy 11.30 Developing the Young Workforce Aileen Tinkler Joan MacKay 12.30 Lunch 1.00 Reach of the Network Network Committee 2.00 Scottish College for Educational Leadership Gillian Hamilton Lesley Whelan 3.00 Close #scotplnet
Network Day 23.2.15
Network Day 23.2.15
Network Day 23.2.15
Network Day 23.2.15
Network Day 23.2.15 Network All educational partners Committee Committee 2 years, swap half of committee after first year (February 2015) Gillian Hunt (chair), Kate Paton (secretary), John Daffurn, Roseanne Fitzpatrick, Michelle Lewis, Celia McArthur, Jacqueline Morley, Julie Wilson, Jenny Cheyne; David Craig, Erika Cunningham Planning group New planning group for each event For 23.2.15 - John Daffurn, Roseanne Fitzpatrick, Gillian Hunt, Celia McArthur, Jacqueline Morley, Kate Paton, Aileen Tinkler (Scottish Government) #scotplnet
Network Day 23.2.15 Evaluation Today For next time... Do again Interesting Idea Insight Issue Intention What I'd like to know more about Do again Do more of Do differently Themes/ideas for February Network Day #scotplnet
Scottish Government Update David Roy Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Scottish Government Update David Roy #scotplnet
National PL Network David Roy (Scottish Government) 23 February 2015
Teacher Education TSF Legacy Events – from May 2015 OECD Review of CfE TSF Evaluation E-Portfolio to record professional learning Aspect Review of Teacher Education Partnerships
Teacher Workforce Planning TMP Report on STEM Teachers - SG considering a marketing campaign Teacher Workforce Planning - Planned increase of 250 Teaching Scotland Website - Aspiring Teacher and Teach in Scotland brought together
Raising Attainment Programme for Government – clear focus on the need for improvement in educational attainment and reducing the gap - Attainment Advisor for each Local Authority Scottish Attainment Challenge - £100m over 4 years to drive forward improvements in educational outcomes in Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities. - First tranche of £20m for 2015-16 was announced on 4 February. - Initially targeted at schools in LAs with the biggest concentration of households in deprived areas. It will focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing in the Primary Sector. - Builds on London Challenge, but also Ontario.
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Developing the Young Workforce Aileen Tinkler Joan MacKay Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Developing the Young Workforce Aileen Tinkler Joan MacKay #scotplnet
Implementing the recommendations through Curriculum for Excellence Education Working For All: Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce Implementing the recommendations through Curriculum for Excellence 18/01/2019
Developing Young Workforce, Schools Delivery Support Team Joan Mackay Developing Young Workforce, Schools Delivery Support Team Education Scotland 18/01/2019
DSYW CfE: the vision Our aim is to realise the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce’s vision as the full expression of Curriculum for Excellence. 18/01/2019
Moral Purpose? Positive and sustained outcomes Employment Shared narrative Local solutions National framework How do we make that work? 18/01/2019
Curriculum for Excellence – what? A coherent learning experience for all of our young people The offer of a range of pathways to meet individual needs and benefit wider society/economy The opportunity to develop skills for learning, for life and for work The opportunity to develop attributes and capacities and to gain qualifications Personal support and the expectation that all young people move into sustained, positive destinations. 18/01/2019
Developing the Young Workforce – what? Ensuring all young people access the broadest range of opportunities by: Placing a sharper focus on skills for work and employability Improving the quality of learning about the world of work and knowledge about the wide range of career options Improving the quality of work based learning Having schools, colleges and industry working together systematically to provide coherent learning experiences Extending the breadth and reach of apprenticeship opportunities Developing a clear understanding of the value of vocational education for all of our young people 18/01/2019
How will we do this? Recognise the scale of the challenge and the opportunities presented Capitalise on the skills and knowledge of the wide range of practitioners with expertise Build on existing practice across the country and recognise the need for local diversity Integrate DSYW planning into CfE planning Involve young people and parents in planning and delivery Increase collaborative working between national bodies – Scottish Government, Local Government, National Parent Forum, Skills Development Scotland, Education Scotland, Scottish Funding Council, ++ with 18/01/2019
Developing the Young Workforce Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy Implementing the Recommendations of the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce December 2014 18/01/2019
Implementation highlights Aligning with ongoing CfE activity Evaluating what is already in place Engaging with a wide range of stakeholders and delivery partners Focussing on the learner 3-18 Re-invigorating BtC 4 Developing a standard for work experience 18/01/2019
…continued.. Developing a standard for careers guidance Learning from early adopter activities in 7 college regions Learning from pathfinder projects to develop foundation apprenticeships Learning what works from what is there 18/01/2019
Key performance measure 3 Increase the percentage of school leavers attaining vocational qualifications at SCQF level 5 and above by 2021. Ref: page 40 Vocational qualifications: for baselining purposes, interpreting as National Certificates, Higher National Qualifications, Scottish Vocational Qualifications, National Progression Awards and Skills for Work at SCQF level 5 and above but recognise that this should evolve to fully reflect vocational qualifications valued by employers> further consultation with stakeholders. 18/01/2019
Equalities Young care leavers Young disabled people Young people from black and minority ethnic communities Gender stereotyping Young care leavers as a group experience some of the poorest educational and employment outcomes of any group of young people in society. Young disabled people much more likely to experience difficult transitions through education and to be unemployed after they leave education. Young people from Scotland’s black and minority ethnic communities embark on a narrower range of pathways than young people from the population as a whole and are more likely to experience unemployment. Gender strereotyping in education exists as does gender segregation in a significant number of the occupations and careers young people pursue 18/01/2019
Partnerships: designing, delivering Young people Parents and carers Employers Across the range of leaders and practitioners who work directly with children and young people 18/01/2019
Preparing Young People for the World of Work Recommendation 1: Pathways should start in the senior phase which lead to the delivery of industry recognised vocational qualifications alongside academic qualifications. 18/01/2019
Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Lunch #scotplnet
Scottish College for Educational Leadership Gillian Hamilton Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Scottish College for Educational Leadership Gillian Hamilton Lesley Whelan #scotplnet
Reach of the Network Jacqueline Morley Gillian Hunt Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Reach of the Network Jacqueline Morley Gillian Hunt #scotplnet
Success wheels – self evaluation tool Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Success wheels – self evaluation tool A gap analysis A coaching conversation A plan for future action A reference point A reflective tool
Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Success wheels Take one minute to map your thinking and experience around ‘reach’ on your wheel With your partner take 5 minutes each way to explore your thinking ... The following ideas will help but all you really need is your curiosity...
Coaching questions for a success wheel Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Coaching questions for a success wheel What do you notice? What stands out? What area(s) would you like to focus on? What is working well here? Where would you like to be in June/ 6 months? Tell me about..../What else? What is your action plan/next steps? Who and what can support your?
Evaluation Network Day Network Day 23.2.15 Today For next time... Interesting Idea Insight Issue Intention What I'd like to know more about Do again Do more of Do differently Themes/ideas for May Network Day #scotplnet