Objective 11-6: Relationships Jesselyn Paolo Arvin
Love "Pairbonding is a trademark of the human animal"- human societies have always practiced this arrangement in some form. Research shows that adult bonds are most enduring when both individuals show similarity of interests and values, a sharing of emotional and material support, and intimate self-disclosure. Marriage bonds are likely to last when couples marry after 20, however, the United States faces one divorce for every two marriages.
Love (cont'd) Some things that have influenced this divorce rate are women's lessened economic dependence and when couple cohabit (live together) Stable marriages include five times more instances of smiling touching, complimenting, and laughing than of sarcasm, criticism, and insults. Something that rivals pair-bonding is the love that parents feel for their children.
Love cont'd When couples have children it is a happy event, however when children begin to absorb time, money, and emotional energy, satisfaction with marriage may decline. When children depart it may be a difficult separation but many parents experience a "postlaunch honeymoon," especially if they maintain close relationships with their children.
Work Relationships Freud said that what one does for work is the same as who one is. This only works for those who enter the working world with a positive disposition that helps engender success which, over time, reinforces a positive approach to life. Alienated an hostile adolescents tend to have less satisfying work which undermines their achieving a positive transition into the working world.
Work Relationships (cont'd) For women it does not matter where they work but the quality of the experience in those roles.. For women and men choosing a career is difficult. Most change their career after college. Most choose work based on happiness and nothing else. Happiness can be felt from work by having work that fits ones interests and provides one with a sense of competence and accomplishment.