Tutorial 1 (additional materials) ELEG 5502
Matlab Project Open a folder for your project Save all your materials in the folder (.m files, images, report, given test data) Type all your codes in the .m file. Press (F5) the run it. (I will just press F5 to run your codes, please assign all the parameters for me) Marks will be deducted if any error presented.
Useful functions in matlab Imread() imwrite() plot() xlabel() title() imshow() implay() double() uint8() rgb2gray() Be aware of the type: double (0 (black) – 255 (write)) uint8 (0 (black) – 1 (write)) help plot <- this command will give you the info. of function “plot”
Digital image (grey scale)
Digital image (RGB)
Try it at home! Reduce the resolution of the given image by half and show it for check. Then, save it. Show the Y, U, V channels of the given image. Reduce the luminance of the image.