Title Defense in Practical Research 1: (Type your Research Title Here) Members: Grade, Section and Strand:
Research Title:
Introduction: In here, the following questions should be addressed: (1) Why did you choose this study?
Introduction: (2) Describe the setting or the place where the research will be taking place.
(3) Why is there a need for your research/ topic to be studied? Introduction: (3) Why is there a need for your research/ topic to be studied?
(4) What is the over-all benefits that may be derived from your study? Introduction: (4) What is the over-all benefits that may be derived from your study?
List the questions your research will answer. Research Questions: List the questions your research will answer.
Data Gathering Procedure: How are you going to answer your research questions?
How will you collect your data? Instrumentation: How will you collect your data?
Where is the setting of your study? Research Locale: Where is the setting of your study?
Who will be your subject(s)?
How will you select your subject(s)? Sampling Technique: How will you select your subject(s)?
Title Defense in Practical Research 1 Important Reminders: Title Defense in Practical Research 1 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand ASRes1: Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research) 11-F and 11-G
Reminder 1: The title proposal must be stated on a future tense to explain how will you do your research since this is still a title proposal.
Reminder 2: Provide hard copies of your title proposal. The paper margin should be set 1 inch in each. Font style: Arial Font size: 11 Paper size: 8.5 x 11 (short bond paper).
Reminder 3: Three (3) copies of the paper should be submitted on the scheduled date and time of the title defense (i.e. one (1) copy per panel member).
Reminder 4: The printed title proposal should be stapled or clipped. Do not use folder.
Reminder 5: Please ensure to send the PPT of your title proposal to jay-r_mendoza@dlsu.edu.ph or migo.mendoza@lsca.edu.ph on or before February 1, 2017.
Reminder 6: On the day of the title defense, please wear smart casual or corporate attire.