[Read out the slide to give good background] [Read out the slide to give good background]. We want you to get involved in fundraising by doing whatever you enjoy and whatever motivates you! Or if you want to fundraise but don’t know what to do, you can simply register on the website and get a free Do-ers guide to doing which provides lots of handy ideas and tips to get you started. We want everyone to get involved and Do Something for The Children’s Society!
Here are some suggested Dos! [read slide]
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it for The Children’s Society. Whatever you , it for The Children’s Society. We have loads of great resources which are available online to be ordered or downloaded such as invitation posters, stickers, balloons, bunting, guides, planning checklist etc. There are also lots of handy online documents to help assist you with the intricacies of your event such as health and safety, top tips for your event and even a quiz to use at your DO! These are all available from our website www.childrenssociety.org.uk/do or you can call 0300 303 7000 to speak to our team and order resources. Call: 0300 303 7000