Why were the Romans successful at invading Britain? WALT – describe Roman soldiers and the make up on the Roman Army
Are these sources primary or secondary? 1. Roman Coin 3. Greek Pot 2. Textbooks Are these sources primary or secondary? Primary Secondary 6. TV Documentary 4. Skeleton 5. Castle
Why become a Roman soldier? Some of your awgse are saved for hwne ouy retire. Why become a Roman soldier? Uinfrom and Euipqenmt provided. Make money Some of your wages is saved for when you retire Uniform and equipment provided Impress women You can earn extra money by robbing those you defeat
Describe each soldier in sentences using the words on the next slide English Soldier Roman Soldier Describe each soldier in sentences using the words on the next slide
English Soldier Roman Soldier Spear Helmet Round Shield Sandals Body Armour Spear Helmet Shield Dagger Belt Woollen Tunic
One cohort was made up of six centuries Legion made up of 6000 men Divided in to 10 cohorts One cohort was made up of six centuries 80 80 80 80 80 80 A region was made up of 6,000 men. The legions were divided up into cohorts. In each legion there were 20 cohorts. In ONE cohort there were SIX centuries which had 80 men each in. The leader of the century was the centurion. Draw the diagram OR write in your own words a paragraph about the organisation of the Roman Army.
“A young man should have alert eyes and should hold his head upright “A young man should have alert eyes and should hold his head upright. He should be broad chested with powerful shoulders and arms. He should not be pot bellied or have a fat bottom! His calves should not be flabby.” Source A Source B You must be 1.6m tall You must be physically fit You had to be a Roman citizen You had to stay in the Army 25 Years Source C Roman soldiers had to be tough. They were expected to march up to 20 miles per day in line, wearing all their armour and carrying their food and tents
Choose your task: Design a recruitment poster for the Roman Army. Include drawing, diagrams, and reasons why they should join! Write a news report for the radio. It should explain why soldiers are needed for the army, why they should join and what ‘perks’ will be available to them. It should be no longer than 2 minutes long. ‘The Roman Army was the best in the world!’ Justify this statement. This means in your own words say why it was so good!