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Presentation transcript:

FINAL HEARING CHECKLIST Kendal Hooper Principal Solicitor Manchester City Council

FINAL HEARING CHECKLIST REMEMBER YOUR STATEMENT IS OFTEN PREPAREDAT LEAST 6 WEEKS BEFORE THE FINAL HEARING 1.Observe contact – aim to do this the week before the Final Hearing/IRH 2.Speak to older children about their wishes and feelings

3.Get an up to date from other professionals involved in the case:- e.g. School Health Probation Drugs/Alcohol Worker Residential Unit CPN Psychologist plus any one else involved in the care planning

4. Speak to foster carers on how children are in placement 5. Read the evidence – not only your own evidence but evidence of the parties. Consider asking for the witness bundle. 6. Make sure running sheets/obs are up to date.

8.Consider whether you require hard copies of certain documents. 7.Prepare aide memoire – you will not remember all the new information. You can makes notes on your statement and take this into the witness box. 8.Consider whether you require hard copies of certain documents. 9. Inform Legal of any changes in the case. 10. Check time of hearing - arrive at least 1 hour before the hearing.

11. Ensure you have a meeting with your legal advocate - this often takes place on the morning of the hearing. 12. Inform legal team if you have never given evidence before – to ensure you never go straight into cross examination. 13. Safety Issues

12. Consider making alternative contact arrangements – is it appropriate contact takes place. 13. Safety Issues