Research Ethics in your Research Proposal
What is it? Caring and responsible thinking and actions Ask yourself: What responsibilities do I have as a Researcher?
Possible C grade response These are the basics that are assumed with all research. Responses are general in nature. E.g. Plagiarism Sensitivity Confidentiality Permission SACE Board rules
C grade Proposal example A few ethical considerations that I have to apply are privacy, responsibility and honouring commitment. I am hoping to conduct some interviews and I have the responsibility to organise the interview and honour a time that I will commit to. I will respect their privacy if they don’t want to answer any specific questions. I will also be sensitive about questions I ask as this is also very important.
Possible B grade response Includes the previous information, plus information which is specific to your Research Project question. E.g. Legal considerations Environmental impact Safety (yourself and others) School values Wellbeing (yourself, others, animal welfare)
B grade Proposal example There are a number of ethical considerations I need to be aware of when I do my research. I will be conducting interviews with respected calf rearers and will need to approach and interview them with respect. I will need to be punctual on my organised meeting times and arrange follow up thank you letters for giving me their time and expertise. Any photos taken on farm of rearing setups will need to first be approved by the owners ensuring that they do not breach any privacy conditions. While on farm conducting work experience I will need to wear the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow all Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) ruling .
Possible A grade response Includes the previous information plus information which is very specific to your Research Project question. E.g. Discrimination Coercion of others. Is participation really voluntary? Cost Waste Offensive Self bias
Bias Biased research questions e.g. To what extent does deaf discrimination affect the way of life of deaf citizens of Australia? Due to the psychological impact on a child after parents divorce, how can a child live a positive and fulfilling life in the aftermath of divorce?
Bias Aspects that influence our personal bias as a researcher... Education Age Ethnicity Social status Gender Assumptions, views Position: culture / sub-culture
Interviews and working with others As a researcher you need to obviously demonstrate respect and confidentiality but... No coercion or inducement (i.e.$$) No physical or emotional harm Real voluntary involvement Right to discontinue Competence of participants (intellectual capacity or psychological maturity)
A grade Proposal example When I research I will need to be ethical when finding and analysing my information. Due to the sensitive nature of child trauma, I need to ensure that the research I am conducting does not distress anyone. I will not be organising any interviews with someone who has personally experienced the effects of childhood trauma as I am not a professional and I do not want to trigger any negative effects. There will no expectation that anyone, other than myself, needs to be involved in my research. I will also need to protect myself mentally from any information I may encounter that could lead to stress. I will need to consider the delicate nature of this topic and who may be reading this, again not wanting to cause distress. This is a very personal issue for me so I need to be aware of my own biases and work to counteract them; I must be impartial and objective. I have already demonstrated this in the careful wording of my RP question which is not leading my intended audience in any way.