Measurements Measurements and errors : - Here , the goal is to have some understanding of the operation and behavior of electrical test instruments . Also , to gain practical information on their use .
Instruments : is a device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or a variable. Accuracy : is a measure of how close the output reading of an instrument is to the correct value . Note : In practice , it’s more usual to express it by inaccuracy which is the extent to which a reading might be wrong ( uncertainty ) .
Example : a voltmeter with a voltage range of ( 0-10 V ) with uncertainty of ±1 % of the full scale (f.s) reading . Notice that when measuring 10V (f.s) we obtain a reading of 9.9 and when measuring 1V we obtain a reading of 1.1V which had an inaccuracy of 10% in the other hand for the 10V just 1% . Hence , it is very important that instruments are chosen such that their range is appropriate to the value being measured .
2) precision : it is a measure of the reproducibility of the reading that describes an instrument’s degree of agreement within a group of readings . This means that if a large numbers of reading are taken of the same quality by a high precision instrument , then the spread of readings will be very small .
Note : High precision does not imply anything about measurement accuracy , ( a high precision instrument may have a low accuracy ) . The reproducibility describes the closeness of the output readings for the same input when there are changes in the method of measurement , observer , measuring instrument , location , conditions of use and time of measurement . The reproducibility in measurements from an instrument is one way of expressing it’s precision .
- Example :
3) Sensitivity : it is the ratio of the output signal ( or response ) of the instrument to a change of input . 4) Resolution : is the lowest limit on the magnitude of the change in the input measured quantity that produces an observable change in the instrument output .
Example : A car speedometer , the subdivisions are typically 20 km/h this means that when the needle is between the scale markings , we cannot estimate speed more accurately than to the nearest 5 km/h and this is the meter resolution .
5) Error : is the deviation from the true value of the measured variable . Note : precision is composed by two things :- 1- conformity ( necessary , but not a sufficient condition for precision (lack of significant figures ) . 2- significant figures . - Precision is a necessary , but not sufficient for accuracy .
Significant figures : - None zero integers : they always count as significant figures . Zeros : (a) Leading zeros : They never count as significant figures . Example : 0.0025 2 S.F 0.00250 3 S.F
(b) captive zeros : They always count as S.F . Example : 1.008 4 S.F (c) Trailing zeros : These zeros are S.F only if the number contains a decimal point . Example : 100 1 S.F 100.0 4 S.F 100. 3 S.F 1.00 X 1020 3 S.F
Note : The expression ( 1.00 X 102 ) has some advantages : The number of significant figures can be easily indicated . Fewer zeros are needed to write a very large/small numbers .
Applications : Multiplication / Division : Here , the number of S.F. in the result is the same as the number in the least precise measurement used in the calculation . Example : 4.56 X 1.4 least S.F ________ 6.384 6.4
Subtraction / Addition : Here , the result has the same number of decimal places as the least precise measurement . Example : 12.11 +18.0 1 decimal 1.013 ______ 31.123 31.1
Example : we have obtained the following voltage measurement : One way in getting close to the true value is taking several measurements and then obtaining their arithmetic mean ( average ) . The range of possible error is known as the largest deviation from the mean . Example : we have obtained the following voltage measurement : ( 117.02 V , 117.11 V , 117.08 V , 117.03 V ) Find : 1) Average voltage . 2) Range of error .
Error range = Vmax - Vavg = 0.05 = VH Answer : Vavg = ∑ V = 117.06 ____________ 4 Error range = Vmax - Vavg = 0.05 = VH = Vavg – Vmin = 0.04 = VL Error range = ( VH + VL ) = ± 0.045 _____________________ 2
Range of doubt : (RD) Addition : X1 = 826 ± 5 X= X1 + X2 = 1454 ± 8 _________________ 1454 X1+X2 ± (a1+a2) Rd = ( (a1+a2) / ( x1+x2) ) X100%
(2) Subtraction : same X1 , X2 X = X1-X2 = 198 ± 8 8 X 100% = 4.04 % _________________ 198 - Here , we see that the percentage doubt differs greatly after subtraction compared to addition . This tells us that you should avoid measurement techniques that depends on subtraction of results . X1-X2 ± (a1+a2) Rd = ( (a1+a2) / ( x1+x2) ) X100%
(3) Multiplication : Example : X1= 8.62 ± 0.02 X2= 12.34 ± 0.04
* Division EX : X1=10.1 ± 0.1 X2=5.3 ± 0.2 X=X1/X2=? Steps : 1) Divide the numerator (added to it the (+Rd) ) by the denominator ( added to it the (-Rd) ) to get the worst answer . 10.2 / 5.1 = 2.0 (X1+a1) / ( X2 - a2 ) = R 2) Perform the division using the original number . 10.1 /5.3 = 1.9 X1/X2 = D 3) Obtain the difference between 1 and 2 . 2.0 – 1.9 = 0.1 R-D 4) X= X1/X2 = 1.9 ± 0.1 D ± ( R-D) OR X1/X2 ± (R-D)
Types of errors : In measurements , Errors may come from different sources : Gross error : This error comes from human mistakes in reading or using the instrument . Example : A voltmeter with sensitivity of 1000 Ω/V reads 100V on its 150 V scale when connected across an unknown resistor in series with a milliameter when it reads 5 mA. Apparent resistance of the unknown. The actual resistance of the unknown. Error due to the loading effect of the voltmeter .
RT V=IR RT = V/I = 100/5 mA = 20 KΩ RV = 1000Ω/V X 150 V = 150 KΩ Answer : RT V=IR RT = V/I = 100/5 mA = 20 KΩ RV = 1000Ω/V X 150 V = 150 KΩ RT = ( Rx RV ) / ( Rx+ RV ) = 20 ׃. Rx= RT RV -------------------------------- RT – RV = 23.05 3) Error = (actual – app ) / actual. = (23.05 – 20 ) / 23.05 = 13.13 %
2) Systematic error : Instrumental error . Environmental error . This error is due to the instruments mechanical structures . ( i.e. calibration error ). Here , there is a need for setting the instrument at the zero reference before taking any measurement .
Hence , in general : One should select a suitable instrument . Apply correction factor after determining the amount of instrument error . One should check for erratic behavior and stability and reproducibility of result .
b. Here, external conditions affecting the instrument (i. e b. Here, external conditions affecting the instrument (i.e. change in temperature , humidity, pressure , magnetic field … etc ). The Instrumental error is subdivided into 2 categories : 1- static : this error is cause by the limitation of the device. 2- Dynamic : this error is caused by the instrument not responding fast enough to follow changes in the measured value.
3) Random error : Is an error that is caused by unknown causes. This error may occur even when systematic errors have been accounted for. Example : A voltmeter monitoring a voltage for half an hour , readings that vary slightly will be seen over the period of observation , the only way to offset ( overcomes) these errors is by increasing the number of readings and using the statistical mean .
Arithmetic mean ( average ) : It represents the most probable value of a measured variable. The more readings we have, the more accurate results we get.