Total lesions on MRI at 48 hours CLEAN-TAVI Trial design: Patients undergoing TAVR were randomized in 1:1 fashion to receive either a cerebral embolic protection device (CEPD), Claret-Montage, or routine management during the procedure. Patients were followed for 7 days. Results (p = 0.0023) At 2 days, there was a significant reduction in the total number of lesions on MRI in the CEPD vs. no filter arms: 8 vs. 16, p = 0.0023 Similar results were noted on 7-day MRI: 5 vs. 10, p = 0.012 Clinical strokes were similar No. of lesions Conclusions Embolic protection with Claret-Montage CEPD results in fewer cerebral embolic events vs. routine management using no filter in transfemoral TAVR; results are interesting given the high cerebral embolism rate in TAVR patients Further studies powered for clinical endpoints in TAVR patients are necessary Total lesions on MRI at 48 hours CEPD (n = 50) No filter (n = 50) Presented by Dr. Axel Linke at TCT 2014