Welcome to Year 5 Miss Deloughery, Miss Cripps and Mr Simonds
Year group TA’s: Mrs Marsh and Mrs Howard New Class Names 5V (Vikings) Miss Cripps 5R (Romans) Miss Deloughery 5S (Saxons) Mr Simonds Year group TA’s: Mrs Marsh and Mrs Howard
Weekly Routines
PE Games on Wednesday (all classes) Gym on 5R – Monday 5S – Friday 5V – Monday P.E. – indoor (navy shorts, house or white t-shirt, plimsolls or trainers) and outdoor kits (trainers and plain, dark track suit).
PE Earrings must be removed by the children beforehand – we do not tape earrings. Children only excused from PE, with a note, for medical reasons. Children who forget their PE kit will be provided with spare clean items from the school stock.
Girls Uniform Maddy
Boys Uniform
Homework Homework is always based on class work, revision or for the purpose of research. Weekly Maths or English homework. Reading Comprehension weekly Spellings and times tables weekly Reading (at least 4 times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes) We welcome and encourage homework to be handed in early if at all possible.
Homework Maths should be completed in pencil English should be completed in blue pen. The work must be presented as it would be in class. Sheets should only be stuck in if requested by the teacher.
Your Help Is Needed Please listen to your child read - Even the most able of readers will benefit from sharing a book with you. Although it can be difficult, you are a major influence in your child’s learning. Reading to your children is still a valuable activity – it encourages and instils a continued love of reading.
Children are to write in blue pen NOT PENCIL Children will receive question ideas to help them write varied comments Kensuke’s Kingdom Michael Morpurgo 9/9/16 p14 10/9/16 P16 Parents to sign it weekly with any necessary comments My opinion is that the most exciting part of the story is when…. because……. For example…. Any unknown words must be looked up in the dictionary to extend vocabulary. Children must write comments for every book they read
English and Maths Sets Work is differentiated and designed to consolidate and extend an individual’s ability through three classes: One where children are extended and challenged to work within a greater depth ability. The other two sets will be working as mixed ability classes in order to progress and meet the year 5 objectives. Groups are fluid and children can be moved according to assessment data.
Spellings We will teach spelling lessons weekly to ensure the children understand the rule they are working on. Spellings are differentiated according to the children’s needs including words of the week linked to our topics. The test will involve recalling the spellings and putting a selection of them into sentences. Therefore, learning the meaning of each word is vital and this is an expectation in year 5. Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested on a Monday.
Spellings Strategies: LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE technique can help. Use a dictionary to check the meaning of each word and then practice putting them into sentences. Revise spelling rules throughout the year. Use of mnemonic strategies said – seven angry insects drive Retests will be given to those children who incorrectly spell more than 3 words in their test.
Multiplication Tables You can help by repeatedly testing and encouraging children to recite tables (say them as x, ÷ and as problems). Children will be tested weekly, based on the times table set for them by their maths teacher Children will be reviewing all times tables for consolidation purposes Children who know all their tables will be given a speed test of all times tables from 2 to 12.
Mathletics Optional tasks will be set on a weekly basis. We encourage the children to complete each task as it will support the learning in school. The children have the opportunity to earn points and certificates, which are given in celebration assembly. A prize will be awarded at gold level.
Trips, Visits and Visitors Autumn Term: Freshwater Theatre Company – Beowulf, Viking Day (dress-up) Spring Term: River Study – Horton Kirby, Thames Water Summer Term: Ashford Residential, Imperial War Museum
Wednesday 1st May – Friday 3rd May 2019 Residential Trip Wednesday 1st May – Friday 3rd May 2019 Kingswood, Ashford
Residential Trip
Come and see us! We are available at the door most afternoons. Please do not hesitate to find one of us to discuss any matters.
Thank you for coming today and please feel free to ask any questions that you may have!