Information session for parents Year 2 SATS Information session for parents
General Information Week beginning May 14th Puffins and Woodpeckers will be doing the same assessments at the same time Whole class sessions will take place in the morning Afternoons will include art, RE and computing You will receive your child’s SATs scores in their end of year report End of year scores will be a combination of SATs scores and teacher assessment We refer to SATs as important ‘independent quizzes’ rather than ‘tests’ Children MUST be in school and on time
General Information To consolidate this learning the following things can be done at home to help prepare them: Reading with your child and asking them comprehension questions. Discussing types of words (adjectives, adverbs etc) Mental maths (number bonds, times tables, addition and subtraction) Solving calculations in real life situations (Giving change). You can access the practise papers by following these links: English: SPAG: Maths:
Maths 2 Assessments: 1 arithmetic (mental maths) 20 minutes approximately (not strictly timed) Pupils will need the equipment specified below: • pencil • a ruler • a rubber Pupils are not allowed: • calculators • number apparatus e.g. ten base materials, number square, number lines. Paper two –Reasoning 35 minutes approximately (not strictly timed) 5 oral questions Pencil and ruler They will have no other resources to use These questions can be read to the children An answer of 16 when the correct answer is 61 will not be correct
Reading 2 papers Reading paper 1 Reading paper 2 30 minutes approx Short reading with questions underneath Answers are multiple choice or answering in sentences Reading paper 2 40 minutes approx Separate reading and answer booklet Significant length of text Answers are matching, multiple choice and sentence All children will be able to attempt this assessment however we will stop at any stage if we feel it is appropriate for that pupil
Paper 1
Paper 2 There are 4 more pages of this text.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 2 papers 1 – Spelling 15 minutes approximately Children will fill in 20 spelling words that are read to them in context 2 – Punctuation and Grammar 20 minutes approximately Variety of question types: Matching Multiple choice Fill in the blank
Paper 2
Writing Your child’s writing is assess on an ongoing basis by their teacher so there is no formal assessment/test. These assessments are then internally and externally moderated.
A copy of the EO KS1 Teacher Assessment Framework is up at the front for you to take away.
Year 2 SATS Top Tips Ensure children are well rested and arrive to school on time after a substantial breakfast Everything will be done in school to ensure the children are not anxious about the SATs This PowerPoint will be available on the school website. Thank you for your continued support.
How results are reported The result that parents will receive with their child’s end of year report will now state whether they are working at below age related expectations, at age related expectations or above age related expectations in reading, writing and maths. The class teacher’s assessment of the children’s work from across the year can also be used as evidence to support whether a child is below, at, or above age related expectations.
Supporting your child Please read daily with your child to build their stamina, ready for reading paper 2. Question your child after each page/chapter as to what has happened, how the characters may be feeling and why, make predictions as to what may happen next and why and to explain the meaning of new vocabulary.
Supporting your child Build fluency through times tables – 2x, 3x,5x and 10x Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 Doubles and halves of numbers Quick fire questions – If I start at 10, double it and add 15 what number have I now got? 7x 5 add 20, take away 10...
Extra support – Ethnic Minority Achievement Service (EMAS) The BLAs are only allowed to interpret for the Maths papers.