Perché un corso sul linguaggio della pubblicità? Perché avete scelto il corso di Laurea in Lingua e Comunicazione
Ma perché in inglese? In che senso? You answer to this one!!!
The English language and Advertising Visual content and design in advertising have a very great impact on the consumer, but it is language, and the combination of language and images that help people to identify a product and remember it.
The English language and Advertising The use of English in advertising all over the world generally makes a positive impact on the consumer. ENGLISH IS AN ATTENTION GETTER English is still the most frequently used linguistic means in advertising. French attempt at fighting this primacy and hegemony (1994, Toubon law) It is more easily understood and remembered by the world's audience, and its flexibility helps enormously those operating in advertising.
Advertisers test the limits of language use and interpretation Advertisers link words to images and narratives Advertisers are acutely aware of issues of context, and processes of interpretation Advertising is deeply embedded in our culture, so it can reveal in sharp relief assumptions what we might otherwise take for granted
GOOD ADVERTISING IS GOOD FOR BUSINESS Consumers consider advertising as a source of information and entertainment. Advertisers must provide creative and effective ads. Consumers believe that advertising is an integral part of everyday culture: not only entertaining and informative, but REAL!!!
WHAT IS ADVERTISING Advertising is an example of language adapted to a well defined social purpose. Persuading people to buy a certain product or service.
How does ad work?(a)
How does ad work (b)? Market research Product development Promotion What product / what people (TARGET) Product development What new product/what new needs Promotion
Drink “provokes the desire but takes away the performance” – William Shakespeare
Layout of print advertising Headline/Hook Subhead Slogan Visual Caption Body-text or copy Copy copy copy Signature slogo/trademark
Definitions Headline/Hook: large-print words at the top of the page. Subhead: optional addition to the headline Copy or Body Copy: main text Visual: illustration that makes a visual statement. Caption: copy attached to the visual Trademark: distinctive word, phrase, logo, domain name, graphic symbol, slogan used to identify the product Signature/bottom line/logo: The company's trademarked version of it's name. Slogan: A memorable phrase Slogo: phrase used by a company throughout all its advertising
visual headline caption copy
Logo/trademark Signature Slogan/slogo
Headline The headline "hooks" the reader into reading more. Therefore, it should attract attention characterize the product-specific benefit. It makes the consumer associate the product with an idea (i.e., a particular function, design or taste). It has to be eye-catching and designed with: short sentences scripts with bold and coloured letters. puns and/or any other linguistic deviances
Subhead(s) Subheads: break down the ad copy into easily digestible segments. capture the attention of those who quickly scan the copy to see if they're interested.
Body copy It has the task of raising confidence in the advertised product which is here introduced. Therefore, its language has to be precise, factual and explanatory as it: shows or demonstrates the benefits of the product makes claims and proves those claims with facts and figures uses testimonials and success stories reports recently researches about the product compares its product presents what makes that particular product or service unique (USP, Unique Selling Proposition) states the offer in no unspecific terms