Discord - discord.gg/wNjsQYJ Ask an @officer or an @Committee Head to opt in/out of specific announcements Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/329175117430193/ behrendGamingClub@gmail.com Officer Meetings Mondays at 6:30 pm in Kochel 57
BehrendSync starting this semester. Gao Con convention Bi-weekly meetings on Wednesdays in Reed 113 at 6:00 Next Meeting on the 14th of February
The sign-out sheet for items in the BGC library the sign-in sheet for personal items to be stored in the office Is POsted The sign-out sheet for items in the BGC library Please Keep the items in the lounge when you use them
Treasury Report Current Restricted: $1,075 Current Unrestricted: $509.36
MOBA Committee kkl5245@psu.edu Discord: EchoYosh This Semester Events!!! League Of Legends Tournament- February 3rd A.K.A TOMORROW! Overwatch Tournament- February 24th League Of Legends In-Game Club Need your username if you want to join! If you have any event ideas for next semester come talk to me or email/PM/discord me!!!! kkl5245@psu.edu Discord: EchoYosh
More info will be posted in Discord TCG Committee Legacy League started! More info will be posted in Discord Conspiracy Take The Crown Drafts upon request Other Drafts will require sign-ups Male Sam is a dead meme Proxy Modern Tournament February 17 Unstable Draft Funded Legacy League SignUps will be on the Gamer’s Club door Prizes will be Staples cards from each Player’s Deck. Discord: Pastoro email: svs6405@psu.edu
RPG Committee Spreadsheet Pokemon Tournaments (Elite Four) Mini Painting Night Feb 4th New DM Night Feb 2 Discord: Key
Board Games Always open to suggestions! I will try to learn your (board/card) games! I am willing to be taught. I will also teach you any games that you want. Email: sec35@psu.edu Discord: Pam - BG Head
Open Forum Comments? Questions? Concerns?