Legacy EAD Import into ArchivesSpace Dallas Pillen
EAD Import Testing Primarily with ArchivesSpace version 1.0.9 166 EADs tested Sample of Bentley’s ~3,000 EADs 107 imported successfully on first attempt 59 had errors on initial import attempt Error rate of 35.34%
Errors Several types of error messages identified Empty tags <unittitle>, <unitdate>, etc. Incorrectly formatted or supplied information According to ArchivesSpace JSONModel, not EAD, requirements Ex: <extent>Approximately 100 linear feet</extent> Missing attributes Digital object titles
Parsing Error Messages
Common Errors
Uncommon Errors
Solutions View ArchivesSpace migration as an opportunity to clean up legacy data EAD transformation vs. ArchivesSpace modification Combined approach
ArchivesSpace Plugin BHL EAD Converter Work in progress https://github.com/bentley-historical-library/bhl-ead-importer Work in progress Currently resolves two issues: <dao> titles <index> errors