ROOT ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY – Function: ROOT CAP – Produces Lubricant Produces Carbonic Acid Protects Apical Meristem Zone of Elongation: Newly formed cells undergo growth Zone of Maturation : Cells begin to differentiate and take on different roles to form different tissues Root Hairs : Act to increase the surface area of root that sits in soil to help contact more H2O and Minerals
ROOT ACTION Roots have some of the hardest working cells in a plant. They use sugars and oxygen to generate energy to pump minerals inward toward the XYLEM. As the mineral concentration builds up, water soon follows. When water enters from cell to cell inwardly, it comes past the Casparian Strip and is now trapped in the inner root. This water builds up pressure and starts to push its way up the XYLEM
LEAF STRUCTURES & Functions GUARD CELLS – Plants need to be capable of allowing water and oxygen out of their leaves while allowing Carbon Dioxide in. Guard cells can open and close stomata to guard against water loss. To open up the stomata guard cells pull in minerals and water follow to make them bulge out laterally while the stoma opens up
TRANSPIRATION COHESION THEORY Transpiration = Water Loss from plant leaves
Cohesion – Is the property of a material whose particle likes to stick to each other.