Chapter 10 Project Land Use Planning in Muir Valley


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 10 Project Land Use Planning in Muir Valley Mr. Manskopf Notes also found at

How we use the land says a lot

How Should We Live?

Where should we build? Where should we leave alone? Where should we put things like Schools Police/Fire Departments Stores Factories Roads Parks Offices Hospitals

Land Use Planning Land Use Planning: determining in advance how land will be used Where do we put Houses, schools, businesses, roads, factories, etc. What land should be left open?

Land Use Planning

Conservation Conservation: keeping land as parks, open space, farmland, forests, wilderness Protected from development Why should we do this?


An Example of Land Use Planning

Habitat: Its Your Choice Developing Muir Valley Project

LAND USE Project Goal: Play the role of a local land-use planner in developing Muir Valley.

Goal Continued… Use what you have learned in class about land use, habitat, pollution, etc. to develop a well designed town of 10,000 in fictional Muir Valley.