Rate Change in effect as of July 1, 2016 STRS RATE CHANGE Rate Change in effect as of July 1, 2016
CHGDED Menu>CHGDED This program will change the deduction or board amount, or the stop and start dates on all specified deduction records. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) <Y>: Y
591-Employee Deduction Change options: C - Employee or board amounts D - Stop and start dates based on old values R - Set start dates on all records for deduction P - Set stop dates on all records for deduction G - Mass change the maximum amount of deduction M - Mass change the cycle A - Mass change employee amount error adjustment B - Mass change board amount error adjustment E - End program Enter choice <C>: C
591-Employee Deduction Report sorting options: I - By Employee ID N - By Name Enter choice <I>: N Report selection options: Y - Include concealed employees N - Exclude concealed employees Enter selection <N>: Y
591-Employee Deduction Please enter deduction code ___ Enter 999 to exit. 591 Enter old Annuity Pick up: __.___ 13.00 Enter new Annuity Pick up: __.___ 14.00 Is all the information correct? Deduction code: 591 Old Rate : 13.000 New Rate : 14.000 Changing : Employee Amount Continue with changes? (Y/N) <N>: Y
591-Employee Deduction Processing, please wait. 954 records were changed. Do you want to change another deduction? (Y/N) <N>: Y
691-Full Pickup on Pickup no Fringe Change options: C - Employee or board amounts D - Stop and start dates based on old values R - Set start dates on all records for deduction P - Set stop dates on all records for deduction G - Mass change the maximum amount of deduction M - Mass change the cycle A - Mass change employee amount error adjustment B - Mass change board amount error adjustment E - End program Enter choice <C>C
691-Full Pickup on Pickup no Fringe Please enter deduction code ___ Enter 999 to exit. 691 Enter old Board Pick up: __.___ 13.00 Enter new Board Pick up: __.___ 14.00 Is all the information correct? Deduction code: 691 Old Rate : 13.000 New Rate : 14.000 Changing : Board Amount Continue with changes? (Y/N) <N>: Y
691-Full Pickup on Pickup no Fringe Processing, please wait. 2 records were changed. Do you want to change another deduction? (Y/N) <N>: Y
450-Full Pickup on Pickup with Fringe Change options: C - Employee or board amounts D - Stop and start dates based on old values R - Set start dates on all records for deduction P - Set stop dates on all records for deduction G - Mass change the maximum amount of deduction M - Mass change the cycle A - Mass change employee amount error adjustment B - Mass change board amount error adjustment E - End program Enter choice <C>C New calculations listed on documentation page
450-Full Pickup on Pickup with Fringe Report sorting options: I - By Employee ID N - By Name Enter choice <N>: N Report selection options: Y - Include concealed employees N - Exclude concealed employees Enter selection <Y>: Y
450-Full Pickup on Pickup with Fringe Please enter deduction code ___ Enter 999 to exit. 450 Enter old Board Pick up: __.___ 15.82 Enter new Board Pick up: __.___ 15.96 Is all the information correct? Deduction code: 450 Old Rate : 15.820 New Rate : 15.960 Changing : Board Amount Continue with changes? (Y/N) <N>: Y
450-Full Pickup on Pickup with Fringe Processing, please wait. 2 records were changed. Do you want to change another deduction? (Y/N) <N>: Y
691-Full Pickup on Pickup with Fringe Report sorting options: I - By Employee ID N - By Name Enter choice <N>: N Report selection options: Y - Include concealed employees N - Exclude concealed employees Enter selection <Y>: Y
691-Full Pickup on Pickup with Fringe Please enter deduction code ___ Enter 999 to exit. 691 Enter old Board Pick up: __.___ 14.69 Enter new Board Pick up: __.___ 15.96 Is all the information correct? Deduction code: 691 Old Rate : 14.690 New Rate : 15.960 Changing : Board Amount Continue with changes? (Y/N) <N>: Y
691-Full Pickup on Pickup with Fringe Processing, please wait. 2 records were changed. Do you want to change another deduction? (Y/N) <N>: Y
CHGDEDRPT.TXT 06/07/13 SAMPLE CITY SCHOOL S PAGE: 1 11:31 CHANGE DEDUCTION AUDIT TRAIL (CHGDED) CODE JOB ID EMPLOYEE NAME OLD RATE NEW RATE ---- --- --- --- ------------- -------- -------- 591 PITT00002 PITT BRAD 13.000 14.000 06/07/13 SAMPLE CITY SCHOOL S PAGE: 2 11:31 CHANGE DEDUCTION AUDIT TRAIL (CHGDED) CODE JOB ID EMPLOYEE NAME OLD RATE NEW RATE ---- --- --- --- ------------- -------- -------- 450 COOP00002 COOPER, BRADLEY 15.82 15.960 06/07/13 SAMPLE CITY SCHOOLS PAGE: 3 ---- --- --- --- ------------- -------- -------- 691 COOP00002 COOPER, BRADLEY 14.690 15.960
CHGDED If your district has other board pickup scenarios additional runs of CHGDED may need to ran or manual changes to a specific DEDSCN record can be made to update board and or employee amounts. See the USPS User Guide for sample scenarios of the STRS board pickup options: https://wiki.ssdt-ohio.org/display/usps/Calculating+Regular+and+Pick-up+Retirement