Wychbold End of Year Parent Survey 2017-2018
Summary Majority of children enjoy school to varying extents.
Summary Majority of pupils on track to reach expectations from parents indicating that school and parent aspirations are inline. Action – further discussion between school and home at parent evenings and informal opportunities to ascertain shared expectations of children
Summary New question based on weaknesses from previous year shows majority of parents perceive that communication is to some degree effective. However, individual comments still demonstrate experience of last minute communication Action – whole year events shared with parents at end of summer term. Minimum time scale on event letters from school
Summary General agreement between school and home indicates that homework and the tasks children complete at home is effective.
Summary All children remain confident to various degrees to seek help from adults in school. Action – Nurture groups remain in place to support children who maybe be quiet or shy in approaching adults in school. Teachers to speak to classes to reaffirm where to seek help.
Summary There is variation from last year’s summary on the preparation fro the next year. Although all parents feel that their children are, to some extent prepared, more are perceived as fairly well, rather than quite well. he school will continue to ensure all children reach potential and have the social and emotional skills they need to move forward. Action: additional transition for pupils and increased information on expectations of next year group for parents. Continued focus on core skills and social and emotional development.
Summary The majority of children are motivated by the lessons at school. This will remain core to the teaching and learning focus as we will continue to provide activities and opportunities which make learning fun and maintain this positive attitude!
Caring, supportive and nurturing school Pupils happy and motivated Summary Caring, supportive and nurturing school Pupils happy and motivated Work at home supports school School staff responsive to concerns and provide effective help and support Communication improving but can be improved More information needed to provide parents with age expected learning
ClassDojo has allowed helpful reminders to be given and I have loved seeing all of the photographs showing the children enjoying their lessons and activities. Teaching staff are very open to having discussions if issues are raised. Overall I am really happy with the environment and teaching my child is receiving at Wychbold. As my child is now moving into year 2 and 'Sats'. I will be keen to understand better what learning they be doing in the terms and what outcomes they are expected to achieve and where support needs to be given to help. Strengths I am quite forth coming with any issues and have them resolved quite quickly with a direct and honest approach with teachers Strength: small size, ethos, teaching staff good leadership team, caring and attentive teaching staff, positive learning environment I’m very glad I chose Wychbold Nursery! communication, lovely staff, great at getting parents involved in school activities In terms of pupil experience and relationship with school staff, Wychbold is excellent it is a very happy school with a good community feel Nurturing, caring, supportive
Weaknesses The communication is always a problem never seem to find out things till the last minute lack of after school activities short notice of events and trips I still don't always know what the expectations are. Parents evenings are an opportunity to discuss this and the reports identify this but when my child displays 'above expected standard' in the report, I find it difficult to actually put this into context about what this means. wallflowers are allowed to blend into the background and sometimes their capabilities can remain hidden. Dojo system is good but does seem to reward success more than effort which I thought was meant to be the reverse.
Actions: Continue to deliver an exciting and motivating curriculum Minimum time frame to allow parents to respond to requests from school Review school calendar for updated events Share year diary at the end of the term Make sure school ask parents on their expectations for their children and have a shared understanding of expected progress and targets Teachers to include ‘adults who can help us’ into PSHE teaching Review how we celebrate children alongside Dojos Range of after school activities through use of hall by after school club but review possibility to utilise classrooms