Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics


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Presentation transcript:

Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics Point 5.2. The economic crisis: lessons for social statistics and roadmap for action Inna Šteinbuka Director, Social and Information Society Statistics Eurostat 11-12 March 2010 Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics

Milestones 11-12 March 2010 Social consequences of the crisis: Labour market; Income and social protection (cf automatic stabilizers); Some aspects of migrations, education and training (especially mobility and employability of students), health, tourism and consumption behaviour. Reaction of the EU and the MS, which took measures, notably in the social field (measures to maintain workers in employment, to increase the level of minimum income, reenforcement of social benefits, one-off payments for the most vulnerable households etc…) It is important to monitor the effects of the current crisis, to monitor the post-crisis situation, and also to be better prepared to futur crises. Lessons from the crisis were drawn through exchanges with users (cf outcome of the recent hearings, especially with EMPL). 11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

Outcome of the written consultation General comments: All countries welcomed Eurostat's initiative. General support for improvement of timeliness, frequency and flexibility of social statistics. Difficult context for NSIs: budget cuts. Warning! improvement of timeliness must not damage the quality. Use of already available data: Actions already implemented: strenghtening dissemination and communication important progress made in the recent years, ex: Eurostat website; Development of dedicated sections; « Statistics explained »; SIF (especially the launch in July 2009 of a serie of SIF in order to address the impact of the crisis on the labour market); High priority given to the release of data to researchers; + adequate, user-oriented communication is essential. In a near future: Multidisciplinary analysis: great potential of social statistics in this regard. ex: inter-generational transmission of poverty (SILC data), public spending for health/education, More proactive and focused dissemination policy: e.g. dissemination of results on migrants, early school leavers… 11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

Specific comments on actions proposed: Ongoing actions/easy to implement: better use of existing data; ongoing "core variable project" ; sharing of processes and tools; Actions supported by the DSS: stronger focus on dynamics; early transmission of SILC non-monetary data; harmonisation of fieldwork period (difficult to implement: BE, DE, FI, IT); Actions with less support: increased frequency and earlier transmission of administrative data (residence permits); extension of the scope of ICT and LFS. 11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

Roadmap for improvement actions (January 2010) 11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics

Lessons from the crisis – input for the strategy of social statistics. Next steps Lessons from the crisis – input for the strategy of social statistics. Regular reporting to the DSS on the implementation of the roadmap. Adjustment and extension of the roadmap beyond 2011. Main findings serve as input for AWP 2012 and beyond. CES meeting (June 2010): document « lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics » presented. 11-12 March 2010 Point 5.2. Lessons derived from the crisis for social statistics