Undergraduate Student Government Public Forum Monday, January 22
Academic Affairs Director: Kate Greer.219 Presenter: Liz Webb Access Code Survey Academic Enrichment Grants Cycle 2
Diversity and Inclusion Director: Farhan Quadri.8 Presenter: Farhan Quadri EndHate Creating a middle eastern/north African category on all university documents
Government Relations Director: Jacob Dretzka.3 Presenter: Shawn Semmler DC Trip Gubernatorial Forums
Health and Safety Director: Maria Vargo.140 Safety Numbers on BuckID Rights, Responsibilities, and Relations Week
Student Affairs Director: Erin Donnelly.132 Presenter: Erin Donnelly Campus Change Orientation Improving roommate selection process
Sustainability Director: Vikas Munjal.4 Presenter: Peri Turk Energy @ OSU Plastic Bag Recycling
General Assembly 50-R-25: A Resolution to Approve the Diversity and Inclusion Director 50-R-26: A Resolution to Approve the Senior Staff and Operations Team
General Assembly: Wednesday, January 24 at 6:30 in the Senate Chamber General Updates! Forum: Thursday, February 22 at 5:30 in the Brutus Buckeye Room Cabinet: Tuesday, January 23 at 6 in the Ohio Union General Assembly: Wednesday, January 24 at 6:30 in the Senate Chamber
Thank You For Coming! Any questions? Please contact us! President: Andrew Jackson.2450 Vice President: Sophie Chang.1310 Forum Coordinator: Tricia Penlington.1 Sign up for our Newsletter at go.osu.edu/usgnewsletter