Unit Five Are you ready for it???.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Five Are you ready for it???

acuity Noun Synonyms: keenness, acuteness Sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses) Synonyms: keenness, acuteness Antonyms: dullness, obtuseness

delineate Verb Synonyms: depict, picture, render To portray, sketch, or describe in accurate and vivid detail to represent pictorially Synonyms: depict, picture, render

depraved Adjective Synonyms: perverted, degenerate, vicious, corrupt Marked by evil and corruption, devoid of moral principles Synonyms: perverted, degenerate, vicious, corrupt Antonyms: moral, virtuous, upright, uncorrupted

enervate Verb Synonyms: impair, cripple, paralyze To weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of; enfeeble, hamstring Synonyms: impair, cripple, paralyze Antonyms: invigorate, strengthen, buttress

esoteric Adjective Synonyms: occult, cryptic, arcane, recondite Intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret Synonyms: occult, cryptic, arcane, recondite Antonyms: accessible, comprehensible, intelligible

fecund Adjective Synonyms: fertile, teeming, prolific Fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive Synonyms: fertile, teeming, prolific Antonyms: infertile, barren, unproductive

fiat Noun Synonyms: edict, dictum, ukase An arbitrary order or decree; a command or act of will or consciousness Synonyms: edict, dictum, ukase

figment Noun Synonyms: creation, invention, fancy A fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion Synonyms: creation, invention, fancy

garner Verb Synonyms: collect, accumulate, accrue To acquire as the result of effort; to gather and store away, as for future use Synonyms: collect, accumulate, accrue Antonyms: scatter, squander, waste, dissipate

hallow Verb Synonyms: venerate, bless To set apart as holy or sacred, sanctify, consecrate; to honor greatly, revere Synonyms: venerate, bless Antonyms: desecrate, defile, profane

idiosyncrasy Noun Synonyms: eccentricity, quirk, mannerism A peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify Synonyms: eccentricity, quirk, mannerism

ignominy Noun Synonyms: dishonor, humiliation, disrepute, odium A shame and disgrace Synonyms: dishonor, humiliation, disrepute, odium Antonyms: honor, glory, acclaim

mundane Adjective Synonyms: prosaic, humdrum, routine, sublunary Earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs; concerned with what is ordinary Synonyms: prosaic, humdrum, routine, sublunary Antonyms: heavenly, unworldly, spiritual, transcendental

nuance Noun Synonyms: shade, nicety, refinement A subtle or slight variation (as in color, meaning, quality), delicate gradation or shade of difference Synonyms: shade, nicety, refinement

overweening Adjective Synonyms: arrogant, unbridled, inflated Conceited, presumptuous; excessive, immoderate Synonyms: arrogant, unbridled, inflated Antonyms: restrained, understated, modest, meek

penchant Noun Synonyms: proclivity, propensity, predilection A strong attraction or inclination Synonyms: proclivity, propensity, predilection Antonyms: disinclination, aversion

reputed Adjective Synonyms: putative, reputable, supposed According to reputation or general belief; having widespread acceptance and good reputation; (part.) alleged Synonyms: putative, reputable, supposed Antonyms: proven, corroborated, authenticated

sophistry Noun Synonyms: specious reasoning Reasoning that seems plausible but is actually unsound; a fallacy Synonyms: specious reasoning

sumptuous Adjective Synonyms: lavish, munificent, opulent, splendid Costly, rich, magnificent Synonyms: lavish, munificent, opulent, splendid Antonyms: skimpy, meager, stingy, niggardly, spartan

ubiquitous Adjective Synonyms: omnipresent, pervasive, universal Present or existing everywhere Synonyms: omnipresent, pervasive, universal Antonyms: restricted, limited, rare, scarce