Staff Year 2: Mrs King and Mrs Glasford. Welcome to Year 2 Staff Year 2: Mrs King and Mrs Glasford.
Routines- Year 2 The children come into school at 8.40 am through the classroom door and independently complete an ‘early bird’ task. PE days are on Tuesday & Thursday. The children must have FULL P.E kits. Homework is handed out on a Monday and due in on a Friday. This can be found on our class webpage. Topic grid. Choose one project on Monday and return on Friday. Maths (learns its), spellings and topic homework will be set each week. Please make sure your child reads for at least 10 minutes each evening and this should be recorded in their books. Children are also expected to do Spellings and Learn- Its daily.
NO-NONSENSE SPELLING Sentences No-nonsense spelling is a creative scheme that allows children to learn their spellings creatively and in the way they choose. These are some of the ways they can practice their spellings: Sentences
Behaviour Policy Positive behaviour is rewarded by certificates, class treats, whole class points, silver tokens (house points), Dojos and ‘the basket of joy.’ We are following the ‘Golden Rules.’ Sanctions will consist of: loss of Golden time, time out in class, dojos removed and loss of lunchtime or break time. Each class has written a ‘Class Charter’ that the children have put together and agreed to follow, they have been based on the Golden Rules.
Attendance and Lateness School starts at 8.50am and the register is taken down by 9.00am. Each morning, children complete an early morning task so it is important that your child arrives promptly to school so they are ready to learn. If your child is sick please call the office or leave a message by 8.30am. Children need to be collected at 3.25pm. If your child is being collected by someone different, please inform the school office and teacher in writing.
Curriculum In Literacy, the children will begin the term by looking at poetry on the theme of ‘Land Ahoy.’ We will be using the Talk 4 Writing approach. This will include the reading of a variety of texts and the completion of some comprehension work. We shall identify key elements of the English Language to model the success criteria. In SPAG, we will first identify and then learn to use the grammar and punctuation that feature in the genre. We shall be Guided Reading will complement our Core Literacy work and will look to build on reading fluency, decoding using context, extracting information and inference skills. With the focus of language development in our poetry unit, the children will then progress to writing a narrative. This unit will focus in particular on using descriptive language, conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and the use of appropriate punctuation
Curriculum Maths: this term with a look at place value and will move on to focus on counting to 100, mental addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and shape. As part of the core Maths curricula, the children will undertake regular mathematical investigations where they will be required to apply the calculation skills that they have acquired and to reinforce the learning will explain the method they have chosen and/or they answer that they have found. CLIC – Happens 20 minutes each day. It is a daily sequential programme of mental maths provision with a strong emphasis on learned facts and developing the mental agility to do something with these facts. It develops core skills in one clear method. All are taught in the same way, repeatedly, to embed these fundamental skills. Big Maths highlights how small steps of progress with core numeracy follow on logically from one to the next.
Curriculum RE - This year’s R.E, will commence with a study of old testament stories and old prayers. We will also be learning the Hail Mary. Science -Linked closely to our ‘Land Ahoy’ topic, Science will be focused on the theme of materials and their properties. Investigations will look at identifying an enquiry question, selecting appropriate equipment, following a sound method, collecting and presenting results and drawing a substantiated conclusion. Topic- Our Cornerstones topic will be -Land Ahoy - we will be looking at locating different geographical features (physical and human) on maps and atlas’s, focusing on different seas, oceans and continents. As well as learning how to use and read an atlas, children will be learning and acting out the story of Grace Darling. They will reflect on her historic link to lighthouses and why she is remembered today.
What to do if you have a concern Speak informally to the class teacher on the playground (either before or after school.) Make an appointment with the class teacher. Speak through concerns at parents evening. Make an appointment to see the Key Stage leader, Deputy Head, SENCO or Executive Head.