Value: Responsibility Year 3 Newsletter: Term 1 Value: Responsibility Our topic this term is ‘Take the Plunge!’. Through this topic, children will learn about the Letcombe Brook and how we can plan to protect it. We will be looking at the route of the Letcombe Brook as well as the wildlife and issues affecting it, including pollution. In particular, we will have a scientific focus including investigating how seeds are dispersed. At the end of the term, the children will present their findings and plan to Mr Mark Bradfield (the Letcombe Brook Environmental Officer) and we invite you to come yourselves to see your children’s work at a date to be confirmed. In Maths, we will start by looking at place value. For children to make good progress in maths, it is vital that they have a quick recall of number facts including basic addition and subtraction facts and times tables. To achieve this we will continue with the Beat That! and Learn-it challenges along with weekly times tables and other key facts practice. Please make time to support your child in practising their facts. We will also be setting up your child on Times Table Rockstars (an online resource). Key Dates: Monday – spelling test and new spellings given out. Tuesday AM (10am)– Mrs Smith teaching 3C. PM Mrs Smith teaching 3C. Mrs Jackman teaching 3J. Homework in. Wednesday. Thursday – homework given out. 3J swimming (letter to follow). Friday. Children need to have PE kit in school all week - these are kept in the boxes in the classrooms. Children need to bring in Reading Records every day – it is expected that children read five times per week at home (twice with an adult). MEET AND GREET! Please come along to meet Miss Cadman and Ms Jones in the large hall on Monday 10th September to find out more about the exciting year ahead! In English, we will be learning water-based poems that we will learning and perform. This will lead up to the children writing and performing their own. Children will receive a list of spellings to practise every Monday ready for a test on the following Monday. As with times tables, we appreciate the time you spend at home supporting your child in learning these.