Daily Routine Come to room 2 & sit for roll call Roll call and announcements Dismiss those who want to change (5 minute max) Go into gym or out to field for class Come back into classroom & 5 minutes to dress back out Wednesdays - mile run
Class Expectations Always act in a safe manner Come to class prepared to participate Try your personal best each day
Class Rules Please do not talk when Im talking Stop immediately on whistle; Place equipment at your feet; Look & Listen Failure to follow the rules will result in loss of personal engagement points
Daily Personal Engagement Points Students can earn 5 points each class period: 2 pts-Being on time for roll call (taken at beginning of class, after dress out and at the end of class) 1 pt-Wearing appropriate P.E. attire (including shoes- no flip flops are allowed for safety reasons) 2 pts-Personal Engagement (showing respect, actively engaged)
Removal from class Should a student choose to act in a manner that is unsafe, disrespectful or insubordinate they will be removed from class for the rest of the hour. All 5 personal engagement points are lost and cannot be recovered. Removed students will go to the principals office A phone call home is placed