SIPR Account Access NATO Brief: In order to gain access to the SIPR Network, there is a 4 part process: NATO Brief, Cyber Awareness Training, Derivative Training, SIPR SAAR NATO Brief: 1. Stop by the Security Manager’s Office on the first floor of NH-33 (where you obtain your security badge) and let them know you need the NATO Brief. Once you have obtained a copy of your NATO brief, signed off by the Security Office, complete the following: Black out any SSN that is on the NATO Form Scan and Save an electronic copy of your NATO form for the processing of your account.
Cyber Awareness Training: SIPR Account Access Cyber Awareness Training: 1. Go to MarineNet at: 2. Once you are logged into MarineNet, type the following, into the search bar (upper left hand side of page): (1) FOR MARINES – Type “CYBERM”, then enroll and complete both courses under the CYBERM0000 course. (2) FOR CIVILIANS or CONTRACTORS – Type “CYBERC”, then enroll and complete both courses under the CYBERC course. 3. Once completed, save an electronic copy of your certificate for the processing of your account. CYBERINTEL certificates for IC personnel can be used as a substitute for CYBERM0000 certificates
SIPR Account Access Derivative Training: 1. Go to the STEPP website at: Click on blue link: Create a STEPP account with a username and password Click on Red link: View Instructions For creating an account Create a User name (Case Sensitive/No Symbols) Input Full SSN (NO DASHES) Click Submit
SIPR Account Access Derivative Training: Click Submit. Password Requirement: 15 Characters Long, 2 Upper, 2 Lower 2 Numbers, 2 Symbols Fill out the required Information IOT create your account. Click Submit. In the Search Box, type: IF103.16 Select the “Course” Select “Start” Once you hit “Start” you may Have a yellow bar on the bottom Screen, select “Always Allow”
To locate and save your completed Derivative Training Certificate SIPR Account Access Derivative Training: Once you have completed the course, go back to the STEPP homepage. To locate and save your completed Derivative Training Certificate In the Search Box, type: IF103.06 Select the “Exam” Select “Register” Register and start your exam. Once complete you will need to Locate and save your Certificate. Click the “Learn” Tab Hover over “Learning Activity Reports” Select “Training Transcript” Select “Save As” and choose a location to save your certificate Click the Certificate Icon On the Pop-Up click “File”
SIPR Account Access SIPR SAAR Instructions: Speak to your section’s ISC to have them send you the most up to date SAAR form to use, if they have not done so already. SIPR SAAR Instructions: Please refer to the “SAAR form instructions” section of your “Welcome Aboard Packet”.
Submitting for an Account: SIPR Account Access Submitting for an Account: You will need the following: 1. Electronic Copy of your NATO Brief (SIPR Only) 2. Electronic Copy of your Derivative Training Certificate (SIPR Only) 3. Electronic Copy of your Cyber Awareness Training Certificate 4. A fully completed NIPR/SIPR SAAR form Once you have all of the items listed above, you will then attach them into an email and send to “SMB MARFORCOM Service Desk”, which can be located in the GAL (Global Address List). If there are any issues or questions, please refer to the “Contacts” Section of your Welcome Aboard Packet