E-government Working Group E-government in Germany Actual policy / main targets Upgrading the quality of eGov services in the different authorities Connecting these services to build an integrated eGov landscape Modernizing / reducing bureaucracy through eGov Most important building blocks/ implementation strategy Federal government: BundOnline 16 Länder: eGov strategies / master plans Municipalities: MEDIA@Komm-Transfer et al. Integrated Strategy for all: Deutschland-Online Main achievements BundOnline: More than 270 services online (over 440 end of 2005) Deutschland-Online: Target marks until 2008 MEDIA@Komm-Transfer: eGov rollout in 20 “hot spot” municipalities 13/14 September E-government Working Group
E-government Working Group E-government in Germany Most beneficial e-government service / main benefits Procurement programmes eProcurement Application procedures Main challenges for the future Better co-operation between administrations Sustainability of eGov-projects Better utilization of eGov-services 13/14 September E-government Working Group