Evaluate Research Studies September 11, 2017
Define Generalizability
Understand Validity vs. reliability Ecological Validity (could this happen in real life?) Cross-cultural Validity (is this valid across cultures?) Internal Validity (does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?) External Validity (can the results be used to generalize beyond the immediate study?) Reliability: Can the study be repeated? Individual measures (will the participant have the same results if they repeat the procedure?)
Application of Findings How can a theory or empirical study be used? Misinformation Effect Circadian Rhythms
Evaluate Research studies Is the study based on a representative group of people (sample)? Was the study conducted in a laboratory or in a natural setting? Were the participants asked to do things that are far from real life? Are the findings of the study supported/questioned by the findings of other studies? Do the findings have practical relevance? Is the study ethical?
Evaluate Bandura’s Bobo Doll Study Is the study based on a representative group of people (sample)? Was the study conducted in a laboratory or in a natural setting? Were the participants asked to do things that are far from real life? Are the findings of the study supported/questioned by the findings of other studies? Do the findings have practical relevance? Is the study ethical?