Command & Control Information Dissemination (C2ID) (formerly know as JC2CCP) IAMWG Brief 15 Feb 06 Since the read a heads were sent to the IAMWG members, the Joint Concept Department Director decided to redirect the resources assigned to JC2CCP to a new effort. Dr. Jeff Hansberger of the Army Research Lab has taken over the project under ARL sponsorship with some JFL support. This briefing is to focus discussion of the IAMWG on the Command and Control Information Dissemination Project, formerly known as Joint Command and Control Collaborative Capability Project. It is intended to provide an understanding of what the project is doing, why it is being done, and the approach being taken. The green text on slides highlights planned changes in experimentation based on ARL leadership direction. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies, their contractors, and authorized Foreign Government representatives involved in C2ID (7 Feb 06) Administrative/Operational Use Other requests for this document must be referred to: U.S. Joint Forces Command Joint Futures Lab (J9) 115 Lake View Parkway, Suffolk, VA 23435 Attention: (Dr. Hansberger, 757-203-3431) 14 Feb 06 Not for Public Release