Overview of Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant
Plant Vogtle in Eastern State of Georgia Approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on February 9, 2012 First ever combined construction and operating licensing Southern Company already has two reactors on site for 26 and 24years.
New Reactors On-line in 2016 and 2017 Southern Company received $8.3 million in loan guarantees from the federal government Total capital investment of $14 billion (at the least) 3500 construction jobs, 800 permanent jobs
Should the NRC have considered the lessons Fukushima before approving Vogtle? Yes No Not certain
Opposition to Vogtle Led by Turner Environmental Law Clinic in Atlanta Mindy Goldstein is lead attorney
Original Costs at Vogtle 1 and 2 new in operation Estimated at $660 million Actual at $8.7 billion In a regulated system the cost for Georgia residents went up. This will happen with Vogtle 3 and 4