Wh - Question 10140630 김 민정 10142034 김 솔지
Chart Who What When Where Why How Extra ( Whom, Whose, Which, What..for, Why don’t) 8. Find the Error
Who Asking what or which person or people (subject) Example. Who closed that door? Who is that in front of the door?
What Asking for information about something Asking for repetition or confirmation Example. What is your name? (information) What is that on the table? (something) What? I can’t hear you. You did what?
When Asking about time or date. Example When did you leave? When is your birthday?
Where Asking in or at what place or position Example Where do you live in? Where did you get this phone?
Why Asking for reason Asking what ….for Example Why would you do that? Why are you crying?
How Asking about manner Asking about condition or quality Example How does this work? How was your exam?
How + adj / adv Asking about extent or degree How +adj/adv Meaning Example How for Distance How far is your house form YS University? How long Length (time or space) How long is this train? How many Quality (countable) How many candies are there? How much Quality (uncountable) How much is this coffee? How old Age How old are you? How come Asking for reason, asking why *informal How come you are always faster than me?
Extra Extra Meaning Example Which Asking about choice Which color do you like? Whose Asking about ownership Whose are these keys? Whose turn is it? Whom Asking what or which person or people (object) Whom did you see? What … for Asking for a reason Asking why What did you do that for? Why don’t Making a suggestion Why don’t you study hard?
Answer to the Blank Jenna : Hey. Did you know that Lilly and Kun is together? Kay : No! I didn’t know! When did that happened? Jenna : It happened 4 days ago. Kay : I’m glad that things worked out for them. Who confessed their feeling first? DJ : I heard that Kun confessed at the opera. Sony : Wow! Unbelievable! Why don’t we give our blessing to them? DJ : Good Idea!
Thank you.