Friday, October 12, 2018
Breakfast is served each morning in the hallway outside the IMC. Cafeteria Menu
Friday, October 12 Pizza Broccoli Mixed Fruit Cup Cafeteria Menu
Monday, October 15 Popcorn Chicken Curly Fries Pears Cafeteria Menu
6th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays IMC
7th Grade Homework Club Monday- 10/8- Room 202 with Mrs. DeFranco Wednesday, 10/10- Room 202 with Mrs. DeFranco Thursday- 10/11- Room 217 with Mrs. Carola
8th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays Room 209
Digits Academy Monday through Thursday Room 212 Please sign up on the sheet posted outside Room 212.
Exploratory Rehearsal – Grades 6, 7, 8 Band News Monday, October 15th Exploratory Rehearsal – Grades 6, 7, 8
WTHS Varsity Football Games Middle school students attending WTHS Varsity football games must be accompanied by an adult. Gates open at 6:00 PM Student tickets: $2 Adult tickets: $3 Home Varsity Game Dates: October 12 October 26
Washington Twp. Annual Clean-Up Day 6th & 7th Grade Class Council Saturday, October 13, 2018 10 AM - Noon All students are invited to participate. Earn 3 Community Service hours on your Rockin’ At The Ridge passport. Permission Slips are located outside Room 109 and Room 202. Students should report to the parking lot in Heritage Valley Quay Park at 10 am. Barbecue to follow in Washington Lake Park. See Mrs. DeFranco or Mrs. Consiglio for more information.
Design a t-shirt to be worn by FutureActs members during the 2018 – 2019 school year. The t-shirt must say FutureActs and should have 2 to 3 colors. Due by October 19th Submit design to Frau Berry in Room 112 or via email at
Make-up Picture Day Wednesday, October 31st If you are having re-takes, please have your pictures with you. Please wait for the announcements before coming to the gym. Picture forms can be picked up in the Main Office.
Stage Crew Meeting – For All Interested Students Friday, October 19 After School Until 3:55 PM Stage Crew
Meeting Thursday, October 18 Room 212 8th Grade Class Council Meeting Thursday, October 18 Room 212 We will be discussing details of our upcoming fundraiser. New members are welcome!
October 15, 2018
What is a White Cane? A white cane is a mobility tool used by individuals who are blind or visually impaired to navigate their environment safely and independently. It is a symbol of independence for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. October 15, 2018