Mass Politics and Imperial Domination World Supremacy Mass Politics and Imperial Domination
Demands for Democracy During the 1870s and 1880s democracy became replete in Europe and with it grew the number of voters Three significant developments became entwined with demands for democracy. Public Education Popular Journalism Political Campaigns
Public Education many governments established systems of free education. provide citizens with skills and discipline create more patriotic citizens
Popular Journalism newspapers became cheaper and more influential Used attention grabbing headlines and columns Catered to newly educated people who craved news.
Political Campaigns mass politics = catering towards the new voters campaigning became a necessary thing to survive in a democratic gov’t. rallies, census bureaus, & speeches
Liberal Democracy in the West Great Britain began the second half of the nineteenth century in a strong, stable position. Liberalism = stressing little governmental involvement in economic and social affairs low taxes free trade public education
Two-Party Democracy - Queen Victoria adored him Tory Party – Conservatives - led by Benjamin Disraeli - Queen Victoria adored him Whig Party – Liberal - led by William Gladstone - Queen Victoria disliked him
The Reform Bill of 1867 Extended the vote to male “heads of households.” Large number of male working-class voters added to the electorate. aided labour unions through laws Voters increased about one million
William Gladstone 1868-1874 and 1880-1886 Education Act 1870 Ballot Act of 1872 Irish Home Rule Reform Bill of 1884
Benjamin Disraeli 1874-1880 Conservative Social Reform Public Health Act of 1875 Artisan Dwelling Act of 1875
Paris Commune In March of 1871, several socialists formed a commune and stormed Paris. Separated Paris from the rest of France Not happy with the National Assembly.
Political Struggle The Paris Commune did not last long. National Assembly took over and politically France was spilt. - Monarchists - Republicans - Socialists Adolphe Thiers became the acting president in 1871.
The Third Republic The majority of the Assembly favored monarchy, but disagreed over dynasty. Bourbon: Comte de Chambord Orleans: Comte de Paris 1871-73: Assembly voted on a Republic with a president, a two-chamber parliament, and council of ministers, headed by a premier.
Republicanism Adolphe Thiers and Leon Gambetta, although largely different political goals helped secure the Republic 1871-1873 1873-79: President Marshall MacMahon.
De Lesseps Scandal Began to build the Panama Canal in 1881 but the terrain and climate differed greatly. Company bribed government employees, but went bankrupt.
Boulanger Affair 1886 – General Georges gave speeches about recapturing Alsace and Lorraine. Elected Chamber of Deputies 1889, but was threatened with treason.
The Dreyfus Affair Alfred Dreyfus 1859-1935 1894 - accused of selling military secrets to Germany Anti-Semitism in Europe
Conspiracy In 1896, Lt. Col. Picquart discovered that the handwriting was not Dreyfus’ but a major in the French Military F. Esterhazy. Another trial and despite the evidence, Esterhazy found innocent, Dreyfus further accused. Information continues to leak, splits country Radicals vs. Conservatives
Stages of the 3rd Republic 1st Stage: Monarchist Republic 1871-79 2nd Stage: Opportunist Republic 1879-99 3rd Stage: Radical Republic 1899-1914
Politics of the Extremes Political Spectrum widened in the late nineteenth century. Extreme Left: stood unions, socialists, and anarchists. Extreme Right: were conservative ultra- nationalists and anti-semites Women: still outside the political specter but posing a voice across Europe.
The Labor Force Industrial expansion wrought further changes in the life of the labor force. By 1890, factory wage earners dominated the work force. unskilled work
New Ideology Post 1848, workers found a new way to voice their concerns. Trade Unions Democratic Political Parties Socialism
Trade Unions Organized labor would unify to protect workers rights. British Labour Party Salaries, Hours, and Benefits
Democratic Process Most European States had developed a democratic system by the late 19th century. Voting Rights - expansion of the electorate. Workers now had a voice in the government - social and cultural shift.
Systems at Work Great Britain - 2nd Great Reform Bill 1867 and the 3rd in 1884 Germany - Bismarck brought universal male suffrage in 1871 France - 3rd Republic was democratically elected. Laborers became the target to the system because they could vote.
Marxism Revisited What made Marxism so attractive was how accurately he predicted the disintegration of capitalism First International 1864 - 1876 Paris Commune 1871-73 Marxism was a “scientific socialism”
Fabianism Non-Marxist British Socialism Founded in 1884 and named for a Roman General who fought in the Punic Wars. Taft Valle Act - 1901 which help create the Labour Party. Early Welfare Programs
French Opportunism Second International formed in 1889 debated the issue of ‘opportunism’ France condemned it and ordered one united Socialism Party Socialism continued to be an important aspect of the 3rd Republic
Germany Marxist socialism was very much alive in Germany. In 1875 Social Democratic Party was founded by Ferdinand Lasalle and Wilhelm Liebknecht. Bismarck continued an anti socialist campaign.
Socialist Democrats Wilhelm II forced Bismarck’s resignation in 1889 and became more favorable to the socialist program Erfurt Program of 1891 Eduard Bernstein “Revisionism” of the Marxist Program. Critique of Orthodox Marxism
New Imperialism Invest capital in a less industrialized country. - railroads, bridges, harbors, etc The “Spheres of Influence” - Heart of Darkness J. Conrad
The British Empire
Motives for New Imperialism Various Interpretations Economics Cultural, Religious, and Social Political - The Scramble for Africa
Causes of Imperialism Search for markets and raw materials. Missionaries Military and naval bases Ideology - Social Darwinism
Questions??? How does the race for Africa in the 1880s foreshadow the events of World War I? Did any good come from Imperialism?
Next Week Explain the paradox of progress that occurred in Europe at the end of the nineteenth century.