THE GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT—the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Public policies—all the things a government decides to do (taxes, defense, education, crime, health care, etc)
POWER ALL GOVERNMENTS HAVE 3 TYPES OF POWER Legislative—power to MAKE laws Executive—power to ENFORCE laws Judicial—power to INTERPRET laws These powers are often outlined in a CONSTITUTION There are different TYPES of governments
THE STATE STATE (“nation” or “country”)—a body of people, living in a particular area, following a particular government who have the ability to make and enforce laws 4 Characteristics of a STATE Population—people Territory—recognized boundaries Sovereignty—absolute power within its territory Government—every state has a government
DISCUSSION Look at page 8 in your text. Which of those 4 ‘origins’ seem “most likely” to you? Why?
ORIGINS OF THE STATE The Force Theory The Evolutionary Theory One person or small group claimed control over an area and forced all to submit The group established all elements of the state The Evolutionary Theory Developed naturally out of the early family One person was “head” and thus “government was the first step
The Divine Right Theory God created the state God gave those of royal birth a “divine right” to rule (Divine Right of Kings) The Social Contract Theory State arose out of the voluntary act of free people (people chose to CREATE state) State SERVES people People are source of POWER
PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT What does a government DO? Form a more perfect union Establish justice Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Secure the blessings of liberty WHERE HAVE YOU HEARD THESE BEFORE?
DISCUSSION Discuss with your group why having a government is IMPORTANT and NECESSARY What OTHER reasons for having a government can you come up with?
ANARCHY THE ABSENCE OF GOVERNMENT IS ANARCHY No laws No freedom No protection Every man for himself Law of Brute Force prevails
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