I. Minerals and Their Uses
A. What is a mineral? 1. A mineral is an inorganic, naturally occurring, solid material with a definite chemical composition and has its atoms arranged in a specific pattern 2. Cam be an element or a compound 3. Make up rocks of the lithosphere a. Rarely a single mineral 4. Rocks that contain large amounts of valuable mineral are called ores
B. Properties of minerals 1. Most valuable minerals are metallic ores 2. Metals have characteristics that add to value a. Ductility- can be stretched into wires b. Malleability- can be shaped without breaking c. Conductivity- allow electricity to pass through readily
3. Obtained from ores in process of smelting a. use melting points to refine
4. Nonmetals are valuable too a. Durability b. Non corrosive- or very reactive