Making and Using Overheads Advocacy, Ppt6
When to use overheads Ö Audience of 40-50 maximum Ö Audience of 40-50 maximum Ö informal atmosphere Ö Work well in lighted room Ö It’s the only equipment available Advocacy, Ppt6
Remember the KISS Rule Ö Key points only Ö One idea per overhead Ö Key points only Ö One idea per overhead Ö Short words, short phrases: “6 x 6 rule” Ö Strong statements: Active verbs, nouns Ö Round off numbers Advocacy, Ppt6
Grab (and hold) their attention Catchy titles Bulleted list Graphics, cartoons, photograph Color: pros and cons Advocacy, Ppt6
A matter of timing Ö 60 seconds each? Ö 30 seconds each? Ö Overkill? Ö 60 seconds each? Ö 30 seconds each? Ö Overkill? Ö 15 min presentation: 12-15 slides rule of thumb Advocacy, Ppt6
Make it legible Ö Sharp contrast Ö Letters at least 28 points Ö Sharp contrast Ö Letters at least 28 points (one-half cm) Ö Avoid border areas Ö Check under “real world” conditions Advocacy, Ppt6
Keep a consistent “look” Ö Same typeface and size Ö Same bullet style Ö Same use of color Ö Same use of capitalization Advocacy, Ppt6
Balance the elements Ö General information Specific Data Ö General information Specific Data - Charts, graphs - Case studies Ö Policy recommendations Advocacy, Ppt6
Before you start your presentation Ö Check the room - Seating - Lighting Ö Check the Equipment - Does it work - Get in focus - Extra light bulbs Advocacy, Ppt6
Now you’re up there: 1 Ö Seated vs. standing Ö Seated vs. standing Ö Keep the screen to your left Ö Where do I point Ö Look at the audience Ö Above all, don’t block the screen Advocacy, Ppt6
Now you’re up there: 2 Ö Give them time to read Ö Give them time to read Ö Paraphrase, don’t read Ö To cover or not to cover Ö Keep your overhead in sequence Ö Remember your time Advocacy, Ppt6
Now you’re up there: 3 Dealing with nerves Advocacy, Ppt6
The last word If you are presenting detailed information that you want the audience to remember… For instance, numerical data or the exact wording of a policy statement… Distribute it as handouts, normally after the presentation. Advocacy, Ppt6